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Friday, February 5, 2016

Watch Big Brother UK if you missed it.

Note.....  this is an edit of a post from 2016.....  the original post is waaaay at the bottom. 

I keep updating this page with more content.....  

10/14/2023 - We interrupt this OLD post to bring you new information / links.  Sadly almost all the links in this old post related to the last season of Celebrity Brother UK no longer work.  The good news is I plan on getting the videos available in the not-to-distant future.....    Until then I decided to hijack this post as a way to share links to the current season of Big Brother UK.  Hopefully this way its not quite so obvious to the folks looking to keep us from watching from outside the UK!!

So here you go - I'll do my best to keep these links up-to-date and videos posted as quick as I can - usually later the same day whenever possible. I will also include links to Late & Live episodes.

***THIS IS SEASON "1" of the Reboot - From 2023 -SCROLL DOWN for the 2024 Season ***

WEEK 1 (Sun 10-8 thru Friday 10-13)
WEEK 3 (Sun 10-22 thru Friday 10-27)

WEEK 4 (Sun 10-29 thru Friday 11-3)
3/4/2024 - Why not do it again?  Its time for Celebrity Big Brother UK 2024 and I'm here to watch and help you watch!! Follow along,  I can't promise to get everything up as fast as other places but I will get it up as soon as I can!  

3/23/2024 All episodes posted - enjoy!

Week 1 (Mon 3-4 thru Friday 3-8) 

Week 2 (Sunday 3-10 thru Friday 3-15)
Week 3 (Sunday 3-17 thru Friday 3-22)

10/6/2024 - Here we go again!  Join me as I watch BBUK once more. 6 episodes a week for 6 weeks (plus Late & Live episodes). Finale was 11/18/2024. You can scroll up for BBUK 2023 and Celebrity Big Brother 2024 if you want to watch those first!

WEEK 1 (Sun 10-6 thru Friday 10-11)

WEEK 2 (Sun 10-13 thru Friday 10-18)

WEEK 3 (Sun 10-20 thru Friday 10-25)

WEEK 4 (Sun 10-27 thru Friday 11-1)

    WEEK 5 (Sun 11-3 thru Friday 11-8)
    WEEK 6 Finale Week

    Original Post from 2/5/2016

    Greetings all and a belated Happy New Year!

    I'm a fan of Celebrity Brother UK and Season 17 just wrapped.

    Dr. Detroit & company over at BigBrotherRadio (formerly Big Brother Couch Potatoes) managed to get all the episodes posted after doing battle with the Irish channel that waged an online 'war' and got almost all the videos removed from YouTube and Daily Motion.  The only problem is if you go to the site the newest episodes are first!  In order to watch it and not be spoiled you need to have  list from Episode 1 through 31.  So here it is!  A link to each individual episode post on  Watch them via the links here - but be sure to thank Dr. Detroit for providing the videos (and GaryBB and everyone else!).

    Ep1701 - Launch Night - Part 1
    Ep1702 - Launch Night - Part 2- 16 Celebrities (4 from the USA) enter the house.
    Ep1702 - Daily Highlight Show
    Ep1703 - Nominations
    Ep1704 - Live Eviction #1 - the first housemate gets the boot.
    Ep1705 - Daily Highlight Show
    Ep1706 - Daily Highlights - Talent Show
    Ep1707 - Daily Highlights - One housemate wins immunity.
    Ep1708 - Daily Highlights - David Bowie's Ex is told of his passing. A MUST WATCH episode.
    Ep1709 - Nominations
    Ep1710 - Daily Highlights - One HG goes off on the house and Big Brother.
    Ep1711 - Live Eviction #2
    Ep1712 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1713 - Daily Highlights

    Ep1714 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1715 - Live Eviction #3
    Ep1716 -Nominations
    Ep1717 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1718 - Live Eviction #4
    Ep1719 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1720 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1721 - Daily Highlights - final immunity for the week won - so nominations known.

    Ep1722 - Live Eviction #5
    Ep1723 - Daily Highlights - Housemates have a visitor.
    Ep1724 - Daily Highlights - The visitor is back for another day - plus nominations.
    Ep1725 - Live Eviction #6

    Ep1726 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1727 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1728 - Nominations
    Ep1729 - Live Eviction #7
    Ep1730 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1731 - Daily Highlights
    Ep1732 - Live Finale - 6 Housemates remain - one will be crowned the winner.


    1. Let's say the US pulled off an identical show, who would you cast in each role:

      Young male reality heart throb
      Young female reality heart throb
      Young wayward actress/model
      Young wayward actor/model
      Older LGBT member
      Young LGBT member
      Conservative controversial political figure
      Wayward older actor
      Wayward older actress
      One-hit wonder artist
      Former professional athlete
      Male soap star
      Female soap star
      British legitimate star
      British reality star
      Entertainment wildcard

      Who would you want to hoat the show?
      What former BB house guest would you want to host BOTS?

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