With Big Brother 19 wrapped up we all have some free time on our hands. Here are some shows on YouTube you can check out. I've watched them all and feel they are worth your time if you enjoyed Big Brother.
Big Brother Australia. The kinder, friendlier version of Big Brother with the 'normal' rules as opposed to the Survivor style rules BBUSA put in effect after season one. After a brief hiatus, Big Brother Australia came back in 2012 with 3 seasons. Many consider 2012 to be the best followed by 2013 and then 2014. I personally liked 2013 the best. If you want to watch all three you should start with 2012 as there are spoilers as to who won previous season in the latter ones. As of today my youtube playlists are complete - but over time accounts get suspended so I will likely have to fix some (I had to completely redo 2013 today).
Big Brother AU 2012 (85 Videos):
Big Brother AU 2013 (98 Videos):
Big Brother AU 2014 (56 Videos):
The Joe Schmo Show (2003): I wish I could link you to this show but its not on any streaming service and there is only the following brief clip on YouTube. If you've never seen it you should. The premise is everyone except "Joe Schmo" is on on the act - its a fake reality show with lot of goofs on Survivor and Big Brother (The Bachelor got the treatment on Season 2). The most famous cast member is probably Kristen Wiig, unknown (to me) at the time. If you want a treat - buy the DVD and enjoy. Get Season 1 - Season 2 is ok but 1 is the gold standard. The clip below is from one of the fake evictions.
Space Cadets (UK 2005): Space Cadets was a 2005 "Reality" show that aired in the UK. Being from the USA I would call it a cross between Joe Schmo and Big Brother (Big Brother because of the camera work and diary room type entries). The premise is they FAKE a shuttle launch. I kid you not - they manage to fool several people into believing they are on a real shuttle. Its not a 'great' show but I enjoyed it
Is there anything you'd suggest folks check out??
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Want Some Big Brother 19 Interviews? Here You Go. Print, Audio and Video.
Loads and loads of interviews out there - in "Print" - Video and Audio....... So here you go. I'm not adding to this list - just getting what I can see as of Thursday night.
Dr. Will Kirby's Facebook Live Interviews. 2 hours. Please realize Will is bullshitting 90% of the time, doesn't care a lick about the house guests and likely didn't watch a minute of the feeds and maybe 3 episodes, yet these interviews rock - Will is in full Big Brother form - acting exactly like he did on BB2 and 7.
Rob Cesternino's interview - he does a great job - especially with Raven.
ET Canada Videos:
Morgan Willett's Afterbuzz interviews
ET (USA)Videos:
Dana Swearingen's audio only interviews: Go Here - they are worth checking out:
Big Brother Network:
Hollywoord Reporter:
TV guide:
I'll may try to add a few more.....
Dr. Will Kirby's Facebook Live Interviews. 2 hours. Please realize Will is bullshitting 90% of the time, doesn't care a lick about the house guests and likely didn't watch a minute of the feeds and maybe 3 episodes, yet these interviews rock - Will is in full Big Brother form - acting exactly like he did on BB2 and 7.
Rob Cesternino's interview - he does a great job - especially with Raven.
ET Canada Videos:
Morgan Willett's Afterbuzz interviews
ET (USA)Videos:
Dana Swearingen's audio only interviews: Go Here - they are worth checking out:
Big Brother Network:
Hollywoord Reporter:
TV guide:
I'll may try to add a few more.....
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Top Five Big Brother Players of All Time v2.0
There are a lot of Big Brother lists out there and every season I am asked to rank the top players of all time. For the last few years my answer has been that I had several players that I call my top players – but I do not rank any one above the other. Here are my top five players of all time, some others who didn't quite make it and a few more that never will. In the top five all should be considered ‘equal’ there is NO #1, #2, etc and they are listed by chronological order of when they first played Big Brother.
Will Kirby (Seasons 2, 7)
First Season Notes: 12 HGs in BB2, Jury NOT sequestered, no Head of Households (HoH), no Power of Vetos (POV didn’t exist), Nominated 4 times, won 5-2 vs Nicole Nilson (each was allowed to nullify a vote).
Since it was the first season of the format where the House Guests (HGs) voted each other out, no one had a ‘style’ to model his/her game after. Will’s style ended up being the best by far as he did a bit of a Survivor Richard Hatch move and implied no one would vote for him in the end and when he ended up reaching the end, turned the tables and said that was the reason everyone should vote for him (also commenting “I hate you all”). His arrogance and charm and "perfectly symmetrical face" won over the jury and America. Will never won a competition, was generally disliked by the live feed viewers until his showmance, Shannon Dragoo, was evicted and he had distanced himself (mostly by eviction) from the “Chill Town” alliance – the group of House Guests including Justin Sebik, Shannon and Mike “Boogie” that had the negative image the first few weeks.
Second Season Notes: Nominated twice, claimed his mission was to help Mike win the season. A ‘flirtmance’ with Janelle Pierzina and rumored pre-show side deal/alliance with Mike, Erika Landin and others may have helped him get farther than he would have otherwise.
Danielle Reyes (Seasons 3,7)
First Season Notes: 12 HGs in BB3, jury NOT sequestered, POV introduced, only nominated once (technical nomination at final 3), HoH once, POV winner once, lost 9-1 to Lisa Donahue.
Danielle’s biggest move on the season was her secret alliance with Jason Guy, so well hidden that even the live feed viewers didn’t know about it until Julie Chen revealed it on the TV show. The two kept their conversations limited to an area of the house not normally seen on the live feeds where they would play cards as a cover. She also had entertaining Diary Room (DR) sessions where she would often mock her fellow house guests. Danielle is the only person in my top five list not to have won Big Brother. I (and many others) believe she lost because the evicted HGs were not sequestered while they were waiting for the season to end and thus saw everything the viewers would see including the Diary Room sessions noted above. After Big Brother 3 the Jury has always been sequestered and not allowed to watch Diary Room sessions or other private conversations.
Second Season Notes: Danielle never really had much of a chance in the All Star season as her previous tactic of deception and sneakiness couldn’t really be used again. She placed 6th that year while winning one Hoh, one POV and being nominated three times.
With my personal rule that to be in the top you need to have won a season of Big Brother, this is the one exception, and I maintain that if Danielle’s Diary Room sessions had not been exposed to the Jury, she would have easily won Big Brother 3.
“Evel” Dick Donato (Seasons 8,13)
First Season Notes: 14 HGs in BB8, HoH 3 times, nominated 3 times, POV winner 1 time, beat daughter Danielle Donato 5-2. Week six used POV on Danielle instead of himself when he was also nominated.
Dick was rude, crude, obnoxious and loud. Many will argue that he would not have made it past week six were it not for the “twist” where “America” made Eric Stein vote for Dustin Erikstrup to be evicted instead of Dick (Dustin was evicted 4-2). Dick had blow-ups with many house guests including Jen Johnson who destroyed Dick’s cigarettes (Dick meanwhile had earlier dumped iced tea over Jen’s head). Somehow through all of that and many other moments, Dick still managed to get to the final three which many will remember started with an endurance HoH competition that Dick lost to Zach Swerdzewski after seven and a half hours standing on to a pedestal while being sprayed with water and holding on to a key (he later won Parts 2 and 3 and evicted Zach). His strained relationship with daughter Danielle and time spent late at night talking to those watching on the live feeds endeared him to many. Much like Will Kirby in BB2, there was a bit of an attitude in the house that Dick could be voted out easily, however it proved to be harder than expected.
Second Season Notes: Dicks second stint on Big Brother was short lived, he left for personal reasons before the live feeds had even begun. Dick also recently tweeted that he would never be on Big Brother again. Update: Dick has revealed that he left this season after conflicting blood tests he took before the season showed he might have HIV - he has since been formally diagnosed with HIV and is on medication.
Dan Gheesling (Seasons 10,14)
First Season Notes: 13 HGs in BB10, HoH 3 times, nominated 2 times, POV winner 2 times, won against Memphis Garrett 7-0.
Dan’s winning season honestly was not that spectacular in my opinion. He did manage to manipulate some folks, but I think with his personality and ‘charm’ he managed to manipulate and win over America. He was “America’s player” and competed a few tasks to win extra money. One such task involved getting hugs from the other HGs and he often gave a nod & wink at the camera when getting the hugs. His alliance with Memphis Garrett ultimately got him to the end when Memphis saved him from the nomination block on week 8. Dan’s 7-0 Jury vote win is the only unanimous victory in the show’s history.
Second Season Notes: HoH once, nominated 3 times, POV won once, lost to Ian Terry 6-1. Actually unlike all the other members of this list, Dan broke in to my ‘top’ list with his performance on Big Brother 14. While having an advantage of being an alumnus and thus the subject of some “hero worship,” Dan still was able to manipulate the other HGs, especially Danielle Murphree. His now infamous “Funeral” will remain one of the best known moments in Big Brother, yet he still lost 6-1 to Ian showing that the “manipulation” style of game seems to only works once for any given HG in Big Brother.
Derrick Levasseur (Season 16)
Season Notes: 16 HGs in BB16, only nominated once (technical nomination at final 3), HoH 2 twice (3 if pre-Battle of Block aka BoB HoH’s included), no POV wins, won 7-2 vs Cody Calafiore.
The newest addition to my list, Derrick used manipulation as well as or better than any other previous house guest to keep himself safe and get others in his various alliances to do what he wanted while they would end up thinking it was their own idea. His game was one of many many small moves, not big bold ones. Even when something went wrong with what seemed to be his plan, he was able to adjust and move forward. He worked very hard to keep the drama low in the house which led to a somewhat ‘dull’ season. It also helped him that Donny Thompson, his biggest adversary early on, was in “Team America” with him along with another strong social player, Frankie Grande. While we will never know how his game might have been changed without Team America, it’s likely he still would have done very well. It says a lot for his game that even though he lost Part 3 of the final HoH competition and his fate rested with fellow “Hitman” Cody, he still made it to the final two when Cody picked him over Victoria Rafaeli.
Honorable Mention – these folks are the ‘almost but not quite’ in my list. If any came back and managed to win either for the first time or again – I might have to move them up.
Janelle Pierzina – With three Big Brother season appearances (6,7, and 14), its hard to not put her in the list, but she never even made the final two (final three twice). She was a great competitor and a fan favorite. She was the victim of an unlucky break in Big Brother 7 when she was eliminated from the final HoH endurance competition on a technicality that I still think was a mistake by Julie Chen. However, she had the opportunity to win Part 2 and lost that to eventual BB7 winner Mike Boogie.
Mike “Boogie” Malin – Another house guest with three seasons (2,7, and 14), I personally wasn’t extremely impressed with Mike’s ‘game’ but others feel he deserves to be considered a top player. Mike had Will Kirby on both season’s 2 and 7 to help him out and on season 14 he was a ‘coach’ for the first few weeks which gave him the advantage of the “hero worship” effect seen when alum return by some of the rookie house guests.
Ian Terry – A very good player that won the game in Season 14. In my opinion Ian was carried along by others in the early part of his season, especially by Mike Boogie. Ian would have to come back and have a stellar second season like Dan did in order to make my top player list.
Rachel Reilly – (BB12 & 13) I have to admit my bias here. I was never a fan of Rachel in the house. I didn’t like her personality while playing so she would really have to do something special to turn me around. I have always felt that production had a very heavy hand with Season 13 and that this helped Rachel tremendously. The “Hero Worship” factor again played a role in Season 13 as six of the 14 house guests were very well known alumni.
Vanessa Roussa – Totally would have made my "Top Player" list had she won season 17. Alas she couldn't beat eventual winner Steve Moses in the final HoH competition and so placed 3rd. Her mind never seems to shut down and her paranoia and manipulation was frantic compared to BB16 Derrick - she just needed that final win.
Paul Abrahamian – Placed second on season 18 and again on season 19. While many felt Paul should have won season 18 over Nicole, he didn't. On season 19 I feel the immunity he got when he entered, the secret 3 weeks of immunity 'given' to him by production (via a guaranteed vote by fans), the 8 'friendship' (immunity) bracelets, and the built in hero worship of one returning veteran was a tremendous advantage. Paul even admitted on the feeds early on that he had a HUGE advantage being a veteran in the house. It also turned out Paul's lies got the best of him with the season 19 jury.
Nowhere near the top - even though some want them to be, these former house guests didn’t show me enough in their season(s) to warrant being in my list. Many are just fan favorites, not top tier players.
Jeff & Jordan – They didn’t do anything that spectacular, “America” just loves them. I do think production wanted Jeff Schroeder to win Season 11 (saved via the Coup d'etat) but when he went out 6th Jordan Lloyd, whom Jeff had been carrying along in the game, became the new favorite to win. When both returned in BB13, Jeff went out 7th after the infamous "clown shoes" incident, and Jordan followed in 4th. Nice folks, but not great BB players. Getting engaged in the back yard doesn't move them up my list either ;)
Kaysar Ridha – Another fan favorite that was so well like I think production changed the game in Big Brother 6 to get him back in the house after he was evicted. He promptly was voted right back out after letting Jennifer Vasquez win HoH following a 14 hour endurance HoH competition (longest in BB history). Came back for BB7 and still did nothing (but seems like a nice guy!).
Hayden Moss – Winner of Big Brother 12. Simply put, his alliance (The Brigade) got him to the end, it was a total team effort and I thought Lane Elenburg should have won that season.
Nicole Franzel – I just can't. She's here on my list because she actually won season 18 (a season Paul Abrahamian probably should have won) when she came back after finishing 7th on season 16. I got nothing people, she whined her way through both seasons and had showmances in each season as well. Not my kind of player.
I could go on and on….. but I won’t. Sorry if I missed your favorite!
My rant on "Vets" playing: I do not like the mixture of alumni playing with new house guests. We discovered that in all but one season, when one or more veterans were in the house, at least one of them placed in the top 2 (seasons 13,14,17,18,19). The lone exception being Jesse Godderz on season 11 who was the first alum ever to return and was eliminated by the "Coup d'etat" which many of us feel was introduced to keep fan favorite Jeff Schroeder from going home. Veteran players have the advantage of experience in the Big Brother house, knowledge of the production staff which also would make them more comfortable, and a the 'hero worship' effect with the new house guests who likely have seen the veterans on many many episodes of Big Brother while locked up in the pre-show sequester.
Finally, other thoughts when compiling lists: Lists are always interesting, I know there will be many that will disagree with me and that’s OK. One thing to keep in mind is that it’s VERY hard to compare HGs across seasons. Every season has its own dynamics and advantages, disadvantages. As we discussed on our last Big Brother Gossip Show for BB16, Derrick would have had a much tougher go of it in the BB15 house with the likes of Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren and Helen Kim whom all might have seen through his game a bit more than those in the BB16 house. What was a great game in one season might not be even a good one in another. Its for that very reason I don’t think any of my top five will ever be able to win another season of Big Brother.
Will Kirby (Seasons 2, 7)
First Season Notes: 12 HGs in BB2, Jury NOT sequestered, no Head of Households (HoH), no Power of Vetos (POV didn’t exist), Nominated 4 times, won 5-2 vs Nicole Nilson (each was allowed to nullify a vote).
Since it was the first season of the format where the House Guests (HGs) voted each other out, no one had a ‘style’ to model his/her game after. Will’s style ended up being the best by far as he did a bit of a Survivor Richard Hatch move and implied no one would vote for him in the end and when he ended up reaching the end, turned the tables and said that was the reason everyone should vote for him (also commenting “I hate you all”). His arrogance and charm and "perfectly symmetrical face" won over the jury and America. Will never won a competition, was generally disliked by the live feed viewers until his showmance, Shannon Dragoo, was evicted and he had distanced himself (mostly by eviction) from the “Chill Town” alliance – the group of House Guests including Justin Sebik, Shannon and Mike “Boogie” that had the negative image the first few weeks.
Second Season Notes: Nominated twice, claimed his mission was to help Mike win the season. A ‘flirtmance’ with Janelle Pierzina and rumored pre-show side deal/alliance with Mike, Erika Landin and others may have helped him get farther than he would have otherwise.
Danielle Reyes (Seasons 3,7)
First Season Notes: 12 HGs in BB3, jury NOT sequestered, POV introduced, only nominated once (technical nomination at final 3), HoH once, POV winner once, lost 9-1 to Lisa Donahue.
Danielle’s biggest move on the season was her secret alliance with Jason Guy, so well hidden that even the live feed viewers didn’t know about it until Julie Chen revealed it on the TV show. The two kept their conversations limited to an area of the house not normally seen on the live feeds where they would play cards as a cover. She also had entertaining Diary Room (DR) sessions where she would often mock her fellow house guests. Danielle is the only person in my top five list not to have won Big Brother. I (and many others) believe she lost because the evicted HGs were not sequestered while they were waiting for the season to end and thus saw everything the viewers would see including the Diary Room sessions noted above. After Big Brother 3 the Jury has always been sequestered and not allowed to watch Diary Room sessions or other private conversations.
Second Season Notes: Danielle never really had much of a chance in the All Star season as her previous tactic of deception and sneakiness couldn’t really be used again. She placed 6th that year while winning one Hoh, one POV and being nominated three times.
With my personal rule that to be in the top you need to have won a season of Big Brother, this is the one exception, and I maintain that if Danielle’s Diary Room sessions had not been exposed to the Jury, she would have easily won Big Brother 3.
“Evel” Dick Donato (Seasons 8,13)
First Season Notes: 14 HGs in BB8, HoH 3 times, nominated 3 times, POV winner 1 time, beat daughter Danielle Donato 5-2. Week six used POV on Danielle instead of himself when he was also nominated.
Dick was rude, crude, obnoxious and loud. Many will argue that he would not have made it past week six were it not for the “twist” where “America” made Eric Stein vote for Dustin Erikstrup to be evicted instead of Dick (Dustin was evicted 4-2). Dick had blow-ups with many house guests including Jen Johnson who destroyed Dick’s cigarettes (Dick meanwhile had earlier dumped iced tea over Jen’s head). Somehow through all of that and many other moments, Dick still managed to get to the final three which many will remember started with an endurance HoH competition that Dick lost to Zach Swerdzewski after seven and a half hours standing on to a pedestal while being sprayed with water and holding on to a key (he later won Parts 2 and 3 and evicted Zach). His strained relationship with daughter Danielle and time spent late at night talking to those watching on the live feeds endeared him to many. Much like Will Kirby in BB2, there was a bit of an attitude in the house that Dick could be voted out easily, however it proved to be harder than expected.
Second Season Notes: Dicks second stint on Big Brother was short lived, he left for personal reasons before the live feeds had even begun. Dick also recently tweeted that he would never be on Big Brother again. Update: Dick has revealed that he left this season after conflicting blood tests he took before the season showed he might have HIV - he has since been formally diagnosed with HIV and is on medication.
Dan Gheesling (Seasons 10,14)
First Season Notes: 13 HGs in BB10, HoH 3 times, nominated 2 times, POV winner 2 times, won against Memphis Garrett 7-0.
Dan’s winning season honestly was not that spectacular in my opinion. He did manage to manipulate some folks, but I think with his personality and ‘charm’ he managed to manipulate and win over America. He was “America’s player” and competed a few tasks to win extra money. One such task involved getting hugs from the other HGs and he often gave a nod & wink at the camera when getting the hugs. His alliance with Memphis Garrett ultimately got him to the end when Memphis saved him from the nomination block on week 8. Dan’s 7-0 Jury vote win is the only unanimous victory in the show’s history.
Second Season Notes: HoH once, nominated 3 times, POV won once, lost to Ian Terry 6-1. Actually unlike all the other members of this list, Dan broke in to my ‘top’ list with his performance on Big Brother 14. While having an advantage of being an alumnus and thus the subject of some “hero worship,” Dan still was able to manipulate the other HGs, especially Danielle Murphree. His now infamous “Funeral” will remain one of the best known moments in Big Brother, yet he still lost 6-1 to Ian showing that the “manipulation” style of game seems to only works once for any given HG in Big Brother.
Derrick Levasseur (Season 16)
Season Notes: 16 HGs in BB16, only nominated once (technical nomination at final 3), HoH 2 twice (3 if pre-Battle of Block aka BoB HoH’s included), no POV wins, won 7-2 vs Cody Calafiore.
The newest addition to my list, Derrick used manipulation as well as or better than any other previous house guest to keep himself safe and get others in his various alliances to do what he wanted while they would end up thinking it was their own idea. His game was one of many many small moves, not big bold ones. Even when something went wrong with what seemed to be his plan, he was able to adjust and move forward. He worked very hard to keep the drama low in the house which led to a somewhat ‘dull’ season. It also helped him that Donny Thompson, his biggest adversary early on, was in “Team America” with him along with another strong social player, Frankie Grande. While we will never know how his game might have been changed without Team America, it’s likely he still would have done very well. It says a lot for his game that even though he lost Part 3 of the final HoH competition and his fate rested with fellow “Hitman” Cody, he still made it to the final two when Cody picked him over Victoria Rafaeli.
Honorable Mention – these folks are the ‘almost but not quite’ in my list. If any came back and managed to win either for the first time or again – I might have to move them up.
Janelle Pierzina – With three Big Brother season appearances (6,7, and 14), its hard to not put her in the list, but she never even made the final two (final three twice). She was a great competitor and a fan favorite. She was the victim of an unlucky break in Big Brother 7 when she was eliminated from the final HoH endurance competition on a technicality that I still think was a mistake by Julie Chen. However, she had the opportunity to win Part 2 and lost that to eventual BB7 winner Mike Boogie.
Mike “Boogie” Malin – Another house guest with three seasons (2,7, and 14), I personally wasn’t extremely impressed with Mike’s ‘game’ but others feel he deserves to be considered a top player. Mike had Will Kirby on both season’s 2 and 7 to help him out and on season 14 he was a ‘coach’ for the first few weeks which gave him the advantage of the “hero worship” effect seen when alum return by some of the rookie house guests.
Ian Terry – A very good player that won the game in Season 14. In my opinion Ian was carried along by others in the early part of his season, especially by Mike Boogie. Ian would have to come back and have a stellar second season like Dan did in order to make my top player list.
Rachel Reilly – (BB12 & 13) I have to admit my bias here. I was never a fan of Rachel in the house. I didn’t like her personality while playing so she would really have to do something special to turn me around. I have always felt that production had a very heavy hand with Season 13 and that this helped Rachel tremendously. The “Hero Worship” factor again played a role in Season 13 as six of the 14 house guests were very well known alumni.
Vanessa Roussa – Totally would have made my "Top Player" list had she won season 17. Alas she couldn't beat eventual winner Steve Moses in the final HoH competition and so placed 3rd. Her mind never seems to shut down and her paranoia and manipulation was frantic compared to BB16 Derrick - she just needed that final win.
Paul Abrahamian – Placed second on season 18 and again on season 19. While many felt Paul should have won season 18 over Nicole, he didn't. On season 19 I feel the immunity he got when he entered, the secret 3 weeks of immunity 'given' to him by production (via a guaranteed vote by fans), the 8 'friendship' (immunity) bracelets, and the built in hero worship of one returning veteran was a tremendous advantage. Paul even admitted on the feeds early on that he had a HUGE advantage being a veteran in the house. It also turned out Paul's lies got the best of him with the season 19 jury.
Nowhere near the top - even though some want them to be, these former house guests didn’t show me enough in their season(s) to warrant being in my list. Many are just fan favorites, not top tier players.
Jeff & Jordan – They didn’t do anything that spectacular, “America” just loves them. I do think production wanted Jeff Schroeder to win Season 11 (saved via the Coup d'etat) but when he went out 6th Jordan Lloyd, whom Jeff had been carrying along in the game, became the new favorite to win. When both returned in BB13, Jeff went out 7th after the infamous "clown shoes" incident, and Jordan followed in 4th. Nice folks, but not great BB players. Getting engaged in the back yard doesn't move them up my list either ;)
Kaysar Ridha – Another fan favorite that was so well like I think production changed the game in Big Brother 6 to get him back in the house after he was evicted. He promptly was voted right back out after letting Jennifer Vasquez win HoH following a 14 hour endurance HoH competition (longest in BB history). Came back for BB7 and still did nothing (but seems like a nice guy!).
Hayden Moss – Winner of Big Brother 12. Simply put, his alliance (The Brigade) got him to the end, it was a total team effort and I thought Lane Elenburg should have won that season.
Nicole Franzel – I just can't. She's here on my list because she actually won season 18 (a season Paul Abrahamian probably should have won) when she came back after finishing 7th on season 16. I got nothing people, she whined her way through both seasons and had showmances in each season as well. Not my kind of player.
I could go on and on….. but I won’t. Sorry if I missed your favorite!
My rant on "Vets" playing: I do not like the mixture of alumni playing with new house guests. We discovered that in all but one season, when one or more veterans were in the house, at least one of them placed in the top 2 (seasons 13,14,17,18,19). The lone exception being Jesse Godderz on season 11 who was the first alum ever to return and was eliminated by the "Coup d'etat" which many of us feel was introduced to keep fan favorite Jeff Schroeder from going home. Veteran players have the advantage of experience in the Big Brother house, knowledge of the production staff which also would make them more comfortable, and a the 'hero worship' effect with the new house guests who likely have seen the veterans on many many episodes of Big Brother while locked up in the pre-show sequester.
Finally, other thoughts when compiling lists: Lists are always interesting, I know there will be many that will disagree with me and that’s OK. One thing to keep in mind is that it’s VERY hard to compare HGs across seasons. Every season has its own dynamics and advantages, disadvantages. As we discussed on our last Big Brother Gossip Show for BB16, Derrick would have had a much tougher go of it in the BB15 house with the likes of Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren and Helen Kim whom all might have seen through his game a bit more than those in the BB16 house. What was a great game in one season might not be even a good one in another. Its for that very reason I don’t think any of my top five will ever be able to win another season of Big Brother.
(This is an updated list, my original list from 2014 located here)
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Big Brother Gossip #813: Down the Toilet
After a long, long season the Big Brother Gossip Show is finally finished. Tonight's episode goes over the last few episodes as the season went from five house guests to three. We talk about who won the first of three final HOH competitions, and speculate on how the finale may turn out.
We also end our run with our own awards show. Should we call it the Gossip's? Or the BBG's? From best to the worst we go through a number of different winners. And, most importantly, the losers.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Special thanks to our super producers, Matt Walinsky and driveonRio!!! Welcome aboard!
We also end our run with our own awards show. Should we call it the Gossip's? Or the BBG's? From best to the worst we go through a number of different winners. And, most importantly, the losers.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Special thanks to our super producers, Matt Walinsky and driveonRio!!! Welcome aboard!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Big Brother Gossip Show #812: Toxic Waste
We're getting down to the nitty gritty. After this week's double eviction, we have five people left in the house. Will any of them actually go after Paul? We have glimpses of hope from one person. Unfortunatley, his name is Josh. What can we possibly expect from that manchild?
Yeah, not much. He talks a big game when he's left alone in the HOH to chat with the cameras. But he's a completely different person when he chats with anybody else in the house. It doesn't help that the one person he wants to bring to the finals apparently has a crush with a troll.
We talk about all of this and so much more. We laugh at the idiotic statements that Raven said in and out of the house. We talk about Jason's anger when he was evicted, and how even he refuses to understand the truth of what happened.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Special thanks to our super producers, Matt Walinsky and driveonRio!!! Welcome aboard!
Yeah, not much. He talks a big game when he's left alone in the HOH to chat with the cameras. But he's a completely different person when he chats with anybody else in the house. It doesn't help that the one person he wants to bring to the finals apparently has a crush with a troll.
We talk about all of this and so much more. We laugh at the idiotic statements that Raven said in and out of the house. We talk about Jason's anger when he was evicted, and how even he refuses to understand the truth of what happened.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Special thanks to our super producers, Matt Walinsky and driveonRio!!! Welcome aboard!
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
I'll point everyone that asks to this brief blog post for the next 20 hours......
Thursday night is a double eviction. Its live - it will be rapid fire.
Amazingly not everyone can watch it live either because they have wall to wall weather coverage as the mother of all hurricane's descends upon them, there is some NFL, college or other team with a game pre-empting the show, or they live somewhere West of the Mississippi so their channel doesn't air Big Brother until later.
Here are 3 options I can think of. If you can't figure out a way from these options then I'm sorry. Just know unless you are a Paul fan you probably won't like the result anyways when you watch it later.
Here are the options from easiest to more difficult. These generally require a COMPUTER. If you only have a phone or tablet you MAY be screwed (try Option 2 though - it may still work as least for a month).
Option 1: Find an online stream. Several people (including myself most Thursdays) tweet out links to online streams. These sometimes have pop ups and may even have links to malware - be CAREFUL! I try to test my links each week before posting but make no promises. My twitter is @bbgossip - follow me.
Option 2: Check out USTVNOW - I wrote up a very detailed article years ago - my account still works - I've never been charged a dime (they can't - they don't have any personal info from me): READ ABOUT IT HERE. This option allows mobile viewing from the 1st 30 days or so, so you should be able to watch on your phone or tablet as long as the site isn't overwhelmed.
Option 3: Use you CBS All Access account (yes you need to have one for this) and with a firefox browser plug-in you can fake your location so CBS thinks you are in, say, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Indianapolis, etc. You will be able to watch the show live with the rest of us. This one takes a bit of work (you need to install a plug-in and use Firefox) - details can be found on this post.
Thursday night is a double eviction. Its live - it will be rapid fire.
Amazingly not everyone can watch it live either because they have wall to wall weather coverage as the mother of all hurricane's descends upon them, there is some NFL, college or other team with a game pre-empting the show, or they live somewhere West of the Mississippi so their channel doesn't air Big Brother until later.
Here are 3 options I can think of. If you can't figure out a way from these options then I'm sorry. Just know unless you are a Paul fan you probably won't like the result anyways when you watch it later.
Here are the options from easiest to more difficult. These generally require a COMPUTER. If you only have a phone or tablet you MAY be screwed (try Option 2 though - it may still work as least for a month).
Option 1: Find an online stream. Several people (including myself most Thursdays) tweet out links to online streams. These sometimes have pop ups and may even have links to malware - be CAREFUL! I try to test my links each week before posting but make no promises. My twitter is @bbgossip - follow me.
Option 2: Check out USTVNOW - I wrote up a very detailed article years ago - my account still works - I've never been charged a dime (they can't - they don't have any personal info from me): READ ABOUT IT HERE. This option allows mobile viewing from the 1st 30 days or so, so you should be able to watch on your phone or tablet as long as the site isn't overwhelmed.
Option 3: Use you CBS All Access account (yes you need to have one for this) and with a firefox browser plug-in you can fake your location so CBS thinks you are in, say, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Indianapolis, etc. You will be able to watch the show live with the rest of us. This one takes a bit of work (you need to install a plug-in and use Firefox) - details can be found on this post.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Big Brother Gossip #811: Rebel Without a Clue
What do you do with a Big Brother contestant whose only game move this season, besides eating cereal and doing unmentionable things to Raven, is to not follow Have-Not rules? Yep, we're talking about Matt, one of the most useless castmembers in quite some time.
A game move was made against him so what did he do? This tough guy with Boyz II Men lyrics tattooed on his arm got his revenge by flaunting the rules of the game. Yes, Big Brother has rules. And yet the powers that be did absolutely nothing against him. In the long run, it really doesn't matter. He was evicted, as was his desire, and his ueseless girlfriend remains in the house.
We spend quite some time talking about this, along with the other weirdness that happened this year. Like, for example, how a woman with a broken foot was able to win a racing competition. Like how at the final 7 portion of the show people are still volunteering to be nominated. Or how the nominees were openly discussing throwing the POV competition to the game's "mastermind".
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
A game move was made against him so what did he do? This tough guy with Boyz II Men lyrics tattooed on his arm got his revenge by flaunting the rules of the game. Yes, Big Brother has rules. And yet the powers that be did absolutely nothing against him. In the long run, it really doesn't matter. He was evicted, as was his desire, and his ueseless girlfriend remains in the house.
We spend quite some time talking about this, along with the other weirdness that happened this year. Like, for example, how a woman with a broken foot was able to win a racing competition. Like how at the final 7 portion of the show people are still volunteering to be nominated. Or how the nominees were openly discussing throwing the POV competition to the game's "mastermind".
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Possible Schedule For Last 3 Weeks
Edit: Julie Chen basically confirmed what I've stated in this post, particularly about the double eviction. However, what I have down as the Sunday, September 17 HOH/clip show will actually be shown on Friday, September 15 due to the Emmys being broadcast on CBS that Sunday night.
We're finally getting down to the end, and there's a lot of confusion over how this is going to work. I've spent the day looking at the calendar, along with the format of the past few seasons, to create a bit of a timeline as to these last three weeks. (And I have not listened to an of Paul's erroneous predictions.)
Thursday's eviction will get us down to seven people, which is one more than necessary if they continue with that special surprise midweek eviction that tends to happen to get to the final four. It should also be noted that there are no timeslot conflicts with the NFL this year, as the first CBS-aired Thursday night game isn't until September 28.
Here's what you should expect:
Thursday, August 31 - normal eviction to get down to F7 (as noted).
Thursday, September 7 - double eviction that puts us at F5.
Wednesday, September 13 - "surprise" eviction actually recorded the previous day. Feeds will go down early Tuesday morning, and won't come back on until after Wednesday's broadcast.
Thursday, September 14 - last regular eviction of the season that creates the F3. First part of the final set of HOH competitions will commence.
Friday, September 15 - First HOH competition shown, plus another clip show where the final three reminisce about the season.
Wednesday, September 20 - Finale. Final 2 HOH competitions shown, along with last eviction. Jury deliberations, jury questions, and various other hijinks before votes are cast for this year's winner.
All of this could change, though, if CBS decides to do something about the "Matt situation". In case you're not aware, in protest of Jason not using the POV to save Raven, Matt has decided to ignore all of "have-not" rules for the week. He's been given a penalty vote, but is it possible they will "Chima" him?
We're finally getting down to the end, and there's a lot of confusion over how this is going to work. I've spent the day looking at the calendar, along with the format of the past few seasons, to create a bit of a timeline as to these last three weeks. (And I have not listened to an of Paul's erroneous predictions.)
Thursday's eviction will get us down to seven people, which is one more than necessary if they continue with that special surprise midweek eviction that tends to happen to get to the final four. It should also be noted that there are no timeslot conflicts with the NFL this year, as the first CBS-aired Thursday night game isn't until September 28.
Here's what you should expect:
Thursday, August 31 - normal eviction to get down to F7 (as noted).
Thursday, September 7 - double eviction that puts us at F5.
Wednesday, September 13 - "surprise" eviction actually recorded the previous day. Feeds will go down early Tuesday morning, and won't come back on until after Wednesday's broadcast.
Thursday, September 14 - last regular eviction of the season that creates the F3. First part of the final set of HOH competitions will commence.
Friday, September 15 - First HOH competition shown, plus another clip show where the final three reminisce about the season.
Wednesday, September 20 - Finale. Final 2 HOH competitions shown, along with last eviction. Jury deliberations, jury questions, and various other hijinks before votes are cast for this year's winner.
All of this could change, though, if CBS decides to do something about the "Matt situation". In case you're not aware, in protest of Jason not using the POV to save Raven, Matt has decided to ignore all of "have-not" rules for the week. He's been given a penalty vote, but is it possible they will "Chima" him?
big brother,
julie chen,
scott hudson
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Big Brother Gossip #810: Thinking With My Weiner
Once again, this could have been a short show but something happened that broadened the conversation for a few hours. Who knew that a couple of little hinky votes could have changed the course of the week?
The story begins on Thursday night when Alex and Jason threw a couple of votes to evict Matt. Normally this would cause some consternation, but it ended up dominating the conversaton for a good portion of the last 48 hours.
Of course, that's not all that happened this week. Jason's win in the "Hot Dog" endurance competition meant that for the first time this season they would actually have to "eat their own". Who would he go for? Matt and Raven? Josh and Christmas? Or go for the easy choice of lone wolf Kevin?
This week was also great for the fact that the house finally woke up to the psychotic behavior of Raven. Each and every person in the house now has their own reason to roll their eyes whenever she speaks. This week she claimed that Dom made some comments about how she could have Matt if she wanted. They also covered their ears when she shrieked that the food pantry had been restocked. They're all ready for her to be gone, and so is the vast majority of the online crowd.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
The story begins on Thursday night when Alex and Jason threw a couple of votes to evict Matt. Normally this would cause some consternation, but it ended up dominating the conversaton for a good portion of the last 48 hours.
Of course, that's not all that happened this week. Jason's win in the "Hot Dog" endurance competition meant that for the first time this season they would actually have to "eat their own". Who would he go for? Matt and Raven? Josh and Christmas? Or go for the easy choice of lone wolf Kevin?
This week was also great for the fact that the house finally woke up to the psychotic behavior of Raven. Each and every person in the house now has their own reason to roll their eyes whenever she speaks. This week she claimed that Dom made some comments about how she could have Matt if she wanted. They also covered their ears when she shrieked that the food pantry had been restocked. They're all ready for her to be gone, and so is the vast majority of the online crowd.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Big Brother Gossip #809: Rat Trap
Tonight should have been a 30 minute show. With the feeds down for the most important 30 hours of the week it becomes a struggle to put together a full-length show.
Yet enough interesting things happened that we were able to produce a lively look at this past week in the Big Brother house. We covered Alex turning into a complete lunatic and going after Cody for innocuous things such as cereal and Bible reading. We also looked at the continuing demonization of Kevin for having the audacity to talk to people on the "banned list". We also can't help but laugh at Christmas acting like she just walked off the set of "Empire".
Double eviction was also an important part of tonight's show, and we went over the highlights. Or should I say lowlights? It was an episode that went over like a lead balloon for all of us looking for any sort of change of power. We want a revolution, and we want it now!!!
Most importantly, there was a new house guest this week! He's not exactly a welcome guest, but he certainly created a disturbance in the house! (And no, I'm not talking about Derrick's visit.)
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Yet enough interesting things happened that we were able to produce a lively look at this past week in the Big Brother house. We covered Alex turning into a complete lunatic and going after Cody for innocuous things such as cereal and Bible reading. We also looked at the continuing demonization of Kevin for having the audacity to talk to people on the "banned list". We also can't help but laugh at Christmas acting like she just walked off the set of "Empire".
Double eviction was also an important part of tonight's show, and we went over the highlights. Or should I say lowlights? It was an episode that went over like a lead balloon for all of us looking for any sort of change of power. We want a revolution, and we want it now!!!
Most importantly, there was a new house guest this week! He's not exactly a welcome guest, but he certainly created a disturbance in the house! (And no, I'm not talking about Derrick's visit.)
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
How Tonight's Big Brother 19 Double Eviction and Friday will work.
I'm completely cheating here as I am lifting my content from a Big Brother 16 post to explain tonight's Double Eviction.
Here are the basics of how tonight's show should go:
1. Recaps for 10-12 minutes.
2. Julie will chat with the house guests and we’ll see Matt, Elana and Cody's “save me” speeches. (Extra propz to any of them if they would simply stand up, say “Hi Mom & Dad!”, and sit right back down.) Julie will also mention, to feigned surprise, that it’s a double eviction night.
3. Unanimous eviction vote (yawn) and Julie’s interview with Cody by about 25 minutes after the hour.
4. An HOH comp lasting three to six minutes. (If you Expect the Expected, as we all now do for #BB19, the winner will be anyone but Elana or Mark since they would shake up the house.)
5. Strategizing for a couple of minutes, and then nominations.
6. POV comp.
7. Strategizing again, veto meeting, and potential replacement nomination.
8. “Save me” speeches, the second elimination vote, and Julie’s second interview of the night. And then Julie signs off.
Feeds will then remain off until 9pm Pacific on Friday (12am ET Saturday) and when they return we should have a new HoH and two nominees. Last year the feeds returned about 4am Pacific so I personally am quite annoyed that we are being kept in the 'dark' for an additional 20 hours since everything that happens on Friday after the HoH will be condensed into snippets on Sunday's show.
As always we will have our LIVE podcast on Saturday so tune in then to hear about everything that happened on Friday and Saturday and anything that went on earlier in the week that CBS didn't cover that we feel is worth mentioning. You can find out more about the Big Brother Gossip Show at www.bigbrotherpodcast.com.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Big Brother #808: Kevin Can Wait
If you've been following the Big Brother feeds, you may be thinking he's actually this week's target. Paul can't stop talking about his faults, and once you state a fault like this to Alex and Jason it's bound to be the focus of the conversation.
Yet Kevin isn't this week's target. Obviously, he can wait, and that's where we get this week's title. Kevin is bound to be Paul's next target. It's not this week, and it may not even be next week. Yet it's clear that eventually Paul is going to issue the orders.
That's not all we cover this week. Raven has her daily medical problems. Christmas has to have various men bow down to her. There's even some final two chats!
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Yet Kevin isn't this week's target. Obviously, he can wait, and that's where we get this week's title. Kevin is bound to be Paul's next target. It's not this week, and it may not even be next week. Yet it's clear that eventually Paul is going to issue the orders.
That's not all we cover this week. Raven has her daily medical problems. Christmas has to have various men bow down to her. There's even some final two chats!
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Big Brother Gossip Show #807: Only the Good Die Young
It was supposed to be a short show. Come on, how could a week where Josh wins HOH create enough material for even two hours?
Yet something weird happened. Something that actually gives a glimmer of hope into this season. Josh's goal isn't what we expected. Maybe he's not just Paul's clone. Maybe he actually is thinking ahead in the game.
Tonight's show covers the weird twists and turns of the week. It covers how Christmas appears to have a dozen different personalities, and how what she does at one moment is simply not the same as what she says she's going to do two hours earlier. It's a strange period of time in the Big Brother house, and maybe the minions (or some of them at least) have some game plans of their own.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Yet something weird happened. Something that actually gives a glimmer of hope into this season. Josh's goal isn't what we expected. Maybe he's not just Paul's clone. Maybe he actually is thinking ahead in the game.
Tonight's show covers the weird twists and turns of the week. It covers how Christmas appears to have a dozen different personalities, and how what she does at one moment is simply not the same as what she says she's going to do two hours earlier. It's a strange period of time in the Big Brother house, and maybe the minions (or some of them at least) have some game plans of their own.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
At the end of the day...
Wow, another long time period between posts. I do confess that the Monday fiasco that occurred between Paul's minions and Jess/Cody left a bad taste in my mouth, so I wasn't too keen on the feeds. Yes, yes, I know that Jess and Cody have said and done some problematic things during the game but reading and watching clips of how pretty much the entire house went after them that day wasn't entertaining in the least. They did handle it well though, so there is that.
If you've been keeping up with the episodes, John's ticker update or on twitter, then you know that Josh is now currently HOH. Other than Paul fans, I think there was a collective feeling of let down when Josh won, because we all felt that it was essentially Paul winning HOH. Buuuuut...
It turns out Josh has a mind of his own. I mean, it's not exactly an articulate mind. Or a mind that makes sense to us. Or a mind that can always express itself coherently, without pots and pans, but he definitely has his own mind. And in that mind, he'd like to target Elena this week. She is his (current) ultimate goal. He thinks she's shady, that she's playing the middle, that she lacks loyalty. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself a bit...
Today was apparently a good day to be at work since the Temptation Competition took forever. I read somewhere on twitter that the feeds were down for over 11 hours or something. It was a timed comp; someone on Reddit leaked that it was the haunted house comp from BBOTT. Which hopefully it was b/c that was fun competition-a great example of how simple competitions are often the best. Anyways, when the feeds came back we discovered Cody had won, and Jessica had lost. So Cody is SAFE for the week, and Jessica is the automatic 3rd nominee. Which is best case scenario for them; guaranteed safety for one and guaranteed play in the POV (no chance at a backdoor). If Jess wins POV and pulls herself down, or Cody is picked to play, wins it and pulls her down then they're both safe for another week. But we all know how often best case scenario works out on BB.
We shortly find out that Josh plans on nominating Mark and Elena, since he can't nominate Cody and Jess is an automatic nomination. He has a discussion with Paul regarding this; it's very funny because at one point Matt comes in and asks if Paul is going up as a pawn so that they're guaranteed POV players. Paul was essentially aghast at the idea, lol...But then he proceeded to tell Elena that he had offered to go up as a pawn before her but that Josh had other plans. Josh informs both Mark and Elena that he's nominating them. Mark took it fairly well, but Elena was PISSED. I don't really blame her; no one enjoys going up on the block. But it was funny to watch her lecture Josh on why his reasons for nominating her 'as a pawn' didn't make sense since there are other people (she named Paul and Alex specifically) who are better/stronger competitors than her. She also brought up non game related reasons, such as she quit her job, she has nothing to go back to, she has bills she won't be able to pay unless she makes jury blah blah blah. Body language alone told me he found her conversation tiresome. He pinched the bridge of his nose, blinked quite a few times, pulled his body away from her as she was chatting. Please note that Paul is 100% AGAINST sending Elena home. He thinks the idea is ridiculous. And truly, if Paul is against it, I don't see it happening. But it will be interesting to see how Josh reacts to not getting his way, because it'll be Jessica's HOH redux, but only with him at the helm.
When the feeds return, sure enough, Mark and Elena are nominated. Elena is still not pleased. There is a conversation where Josh talks about how she brought up Paul and Alex's name as alternatives to being pawns. Elena went off by herself to the Have Not room to make her bed, yet Mark stayed in the HOH room and hung out with the crew, including Josh, the guy who had just nominated him.
Jess and Cody then got into it with Josh. Well mostly Jess did. It was slightly painful to watch since we all know that Josh is targeting Elena. Something Josh said during the nomination speech set her off. Jessica said she needs Josh to pick a mood and stick with it and be consistent, lol. Let's be real, Jessica and Cody both have terrible social games. For everyone blaming Cody for bringing Jess's game down...if she were really good, she wouldn't let that happen. She has just as awful a social game; she and Cody feed off each other in that way.
Then there is an interesting conversation in HOH that starts with Josh and Alex that Jason joins in later. You can tell that Josh's intention is to let Alex know that he wants to target Elena, but he has to let her get her spiel out. And you can tell that Alex's intention is to insure that the target stays firmly on Jessica. I honestly don't know how true some of what Alex goes on to say is, but she starts out by stating she doesn't want Josh to get distracted by Jess's attempt to manipulate him by talking about the passing of Jess's father, that she thinks that was a dirty game move and made it was too personal. That the thing that bothers her the most about Jessica is how she sticks her finger up everyone's ass and her vagina and that the reason that bothers her is because Alex had a cousin who was raped and tortured and murdered and then the feeds cut. So I'm not sure how Alex tried to connect a horrible crime with someone play fighting and sticking a finger up someone else's butt, but you could sense that's where she was going with it. The feeds would switch back and forth between this conversation and the kitchen; anytime Alex brought up her cousin it would switch. Jason eventually joined them and Josh was finally able to get his agenda out there. He told them that they were his 'ride or dies' and that Jess and Cody will always be a target, but that Elena has ties to too many people. He told them that he sees final 6 being him, Alex, Jason, Paul, Kevin and Christmas. It was an interesting conversation to watch, especially coming from Josh's perspective. Seeing how he's trying to sell targeting Elena is interesting as well.
As of right now, it's really not working in my opinion. Paul still has way too much sway with the other house guests and the high tensions with Jess/Cody have not had enough time to pass for the others to overlook just yet. They do seem to be in agreement in that *if* Jess or Cody were to win POV, then they'd vote out Elena over Mark.
Another interesting tidbit is that Kevin is trying to convince Paul to work with Cody in the future if they do manage to get Jessica out. He thinks that if he extends that olive branch to Jessica (He'll look out for Cody, just like he looked out for her) then she'll tell Cody and Cody will be more amenable to work with them; they'll be able to manipulate him into targeting others such as Matt and Raven, before them. He wants to do this because he sees Cody as a strong competitor with a real chance at HOH. He said to Paul that if HOH just goes back and forth between Paul and Cody, they may as well try and get Cody to work with them instead of against them He also later brings this up to Jason as well. It's a sound idea, in theory, but I don't think Kevin understands how hard it would be to manipulate Cody. Paul says he's willing, but I really don't think he is. He flat out told Kevin at one point "There is no way Cody will work with me." Paul wants Cody out in a bad way, and he wants to have an active hand in doing so.
Matt is getting a bit higher up on most people's target hit list as well. People are tired of his coasting; they're starting to notice that he does nothing, wins nothing and therefore brings nothing to the alliance besides a vote at the moment. Paul mentioned at one point that during his HOH blog one of the questions he got was "How many bowls of cereal does Matt eat in a day?" or something along those lines. I laughed. Paul's perfect hit list now currently goes Jessica, Cody, Elena, Matt. I won't be sorry to see DoorMatt go, but I'd like Raven to go first.
Most of the hard core game talking ended when the Have Nots ended at midnight. They had their weekly food orgy where they made copious amounts of food and stuffed their faces and I really wanted avocado toast as a result but had to settle for popcorn. Feeds are currently HG's getting ready for bed and story time with Kevin.
I'm looking forward to POV tomorrow. I'm torn between rooting for Jessica because any time Paul's plans get thwarted I feel joy, or rooting against her because I tend to jinx those I root for, lol. I know I'm definitely looking forward to listening to Mike, Scott and Colette when they recap everything on the Big Brother Gossip Show podcast. Make sure to tune in live if you can! Mike and Scott are up to date on all the cool kid lingo these days and if you're lucky they'll talk about their current BB queen and how shook they were at the happenings throughout the week! ;) You can follow me on twitter at @Shienara33 if you'd feel like it. Or you could just go eat some cereal, whatever tickles your fancy. Happy weekend! :)
If you've been keeping up with the episodes, John's ticker update or on twitter, then you know that Josh is now currently HOH. Other than Paul fans, I think there was a collective feeling of let down when Josh won, because we all felt that it was essentially Paul winning HOH. Buuuuut...
It turns out Josh has a mind of his own. I mean, it's not exactly an articulate mind. Or a mind that makes sense to us. Or a mind that can always express itself coherently, without pots and pans, but he definitely has his own mind. And in that mind, he'd like to target Elena this week. She is his (current) ultimate goal. He thinks she's shady, that she's playing the middle, that she lacks loyalty. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself a bit...
Today was apparently a good day to be at work since the Temptation Competition took forever. I read somewhere on twitter that the feeds were down for over 11 hours or something. It was a timed comp; someone on Reddit leaked that it was the haunted house comp from BBOTT. Which hopefully it was b/c that was fun competition-a great example of how simple competitions are often the best. Anyways, when the feeds came back we discovered Cody had won, and Jessica had lost. So Cody is SAFE for the week, and Jessica is the automatic 3rd nominee. Which is best case scenario for them; guaranteed safety for one and guaranteed play in the POV (no chance at a backdoor). If Jess wins POV and pulls herself down, or Cody is picked to play, wins it and pulls her down then they're both safe for another week. But we all know how often best case scenario works out on BB.
We shortly find out that Josh plans on nominating Mark and Elena, since he can't nominate Cody and Jess is an automatic nomination. He has a discussion with Paul regarding this; it's very funny because at one point Matt comes in and asks if Paul is going up as a pawn so that they're guaranteed POV players. Paul was essentially aghast at the idea, lol...But then he proceeded to tell Elena that he had offered to go up as a pawn before her but that Josh had other plans. Josh informs both Mark and Elena that he's nominating them. Mark took it fairly well, but Elena was PISSED. I don't really blame her; no one enjoys going up on the block. But it was funny to watch her lecture Josh on why his reasons for nominating her 'as a pawn' didn't make sense since there are other people (she named Paul and Alex specifically) who are better/stronger competitors than her. She also brought up non game related reasons, such as she quit her job, she has nothing to go back to, she has bills she won't be able to pay unless she makes jury blah blah blah. Body language alone told me he found her conversation tiresome. He pinched the bridge of his nose, blinked quite a few times, pulled his body away from her as she was chatting. Please note that Paul is 100% AGAINST sending Elena home. He thinks the idea is ridiculous. And truly, if Paul is against it, I don't see it happening. But it will be interesting to see how Josh reacts to not getting his way, because it'll be Jessica's HOH redux, but only with him at the helm.
When the feeds return, sure enough, Mark and Elena are nominated. Elena is still not pleased. There is a conversation where Josh talks about how she brought up Paul and Alex's name as alternatives to being pawns. Elena went off by herself to the Have Not room to make her bed, yet Mark stayed in the HOH room and hung out with the crew, including Josh, the guy who had just nominated him.
Jess and Cody then got into it with Josh. Well mostly Jess did. It was slightly painful to watch since we all know that Josh is targeting Elena. Something Josh said during the nomination speech set her off. Jessica said she needs Josh to pick a mood and stick with it and be consistent, lol. Let's be real, Jessica and Cody both have terrible social games. For everyone blaming Cody for bringing Jess's game down...if she were really good, she wouldn't let that happen. She has just as awful a social game; she and Cody feed off each other in that way.
Then there is an interesting conversation in HOH that starts with Josh and Alex that Jason joins in later. You can tell that Josh's intention is to let Alex know that he wants to target Elena, but he has to let her get her spiel out. And you can tell that Alex's intention is to insure that the target stays firmly on Jessica. I honestly don't know how true some of what Alex goes on to say is, but she starts out by stating she doesn't want Josh to get distracted by Jess's attempt to manipulate him by talking about the passing of Jess's father, that she thinks that was a dirty game move and made it was too personal. That the thing that bothers her the most about Jessica is how she sticks her finger up everyone's ass and her vagina and that the reason that bothers her is because Alex had a cousin who was raped and tortured and murdered and then the feeds cut. So I'm not sure how Alex tried to connect a horrible crime with someone play fighting and sticking a finger up someone else's butt, but you could sense that's where she was going with it. The feeds would switch back and forth between this conversation and the kitchen; anytime Alex brought up her cousin it would switch. Jason eventually joined them and Josh was finally able to get his agenda out there. He told them that they were his 'ride or dies' and that Jess and Cody will always be a target, but that Elena has ties to too many people. He told them that he sees final 6 being him, Alex, Jason, Paul, Kevin and Christmas. It was an interesting conversation to watch, especially coming from Josh's perspective. Seeing how he's trying to sell targeting Elena is interesting as well.
As of right now, it's really not working in my opinion. Paul still has way too much sway with the other house guests and the high tensions with Jess/Cody have not had enough time to pass for the others to overlook just yet. They do seem to be in agreement in that *if* Jess or Cody were to win POV, then they'd vote out Elena over Mark.
Another interesting tidbit is that Kevin is trying to convince Paul to work with Cody in the future if they do manage to get Jessica out. He thinks that if he extends that olive branch to Jessica (He'll look out for Cody, just like he looked out for her) then she'll tell Cody and Cody will be more amenable to work with them; they'll be able to manipulate him into targeting others such as Matt and Raven, before them. He wants to do this because he sees Cody as a strong competitor with a real chance at HOH. He said to Paul that if HOH just goes back and forth between Paul and Cody, they may as well try and get Cody to work with them instead of against them He also later brings this up to Jason as well. It's a sound idea, in theory, but I don't think Kevin understands how hard it would be to manipulate Cody. Paul says he's willing, but I really don't think he is. He flat out told Kevin at one point "There is no way Cody will work with me." Paul wants Cody out in a bad way, and he wants to have an active hand in doing so.
Matt is getting a bit higher up on most people's target hit list as well. People are tired of his coasting; they're starting to notice that he does nothing, wins nothing and therefore brings nothing to the alliance besides a vote at the moment. Paul mentioned at one point that during his HOH blog one of the questions he got was "How many bowls of cereal does Matt eat in a day?" or something along those lines. I laughed. Paul's perfect hit list now currently goes Jessica, Cody, Elena, Matt. I won't be sorry to see DoorMatt go, but I'd like Raven to go first.
Most of the hard core game talking ended when the Have Nots ended at midnight. They had their weekly food orgy where they made copious amounts of food and stuffed their faces and I really wanted avocado toast as a result but had to settle for popcorn. Feeds are currently HG's getting ready for bed and story time with Kevin.
I'm looking forward to POV tomorrow. I'm torn between rooting for Jessica because any time Paul's plans get thwarted I feel joy, or rooting against her because I tend to jinx those I root for, lol. I know I'm definitely looking forward to listening to Mike, Scott and Colette when they recap everything on the Big Brother Gossip Show podcast. Make sure to tune in live if you can! Mike and Scott are up to date on all the cool kid lingo these days and if you're lucky they'll talk about their current BB queen and how shook they were at the happenings throughout the week! ;) You can follow me on twitter at @Shienara33 if you'd feel like it. Or you could just go eat some cereal, whatever tickles your fancy. Happy weekend! :)
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Yes Christmas still has her power, the Ring of Replacement, here is how it works.
Christmas won the second temptation weeks ago and has yet to use it. It is called the "Ring of Replacement" and it allows her to replace one of the 'extra' players. It can't be a nominee or the HoH. Since we will have 3 nominees for the next two weeks most likely there will only be two people to pick from.
The one way I can see Christmas' power come into effect to assist in getting Jessica or Cody out (this weeks goal by most) would be as follows: Cody (or Jessica) wins the Temptation Safety, then now safe Cody (or Jessica) is drawn/selected to play for the POV and Christmas isn't. Christmas could then replace that Cody (or Jessica) and thus reduce the chance that the target for eviction, Jessica (or Cody), would be saved by the POV.
Update: The scenario for Christmas to need to use her power this week it is slim and she seems hesitant. If Cody or Jessica don't win (immunity) and lose (automatic nomination) the Temptation competition then one of them should go home Thursday.
Christmas can use the Temptation at any time until the house is down to 6 people since then everyone will be playing for the POV.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Meandering Thoughts on POV Meeting Results, Dick Size Rivalry, Temptation Competition, and How To Ruin a Big Brother Twist
So much has happened over the last three days, and CBS just doesn’t have the time to show it all on Wednesday’s episode. This week’s Big Brother Gossip Show took over 90 minutes on a four-hour section of Friday night feeds. All of that footage will have to be reduced down to less than twenty minutes of network content.
I bring this all up again today because I noticed something on last night’s nomination ceremony that I believe set the stage for everything that happened Friday night. Paul really believed he was going to flush out Jessica’s power during his nominations of her and Cody, and he clearly did not know how to respond. He was stupefied. He was stunned into silence.
Paul’s ego cannot handle that sort of situation, especially in a segment that’s designed for TV. He cannot be made to look a fool on television, especially as he crafts this Derrick-esque persona on how he’s supposedly orchestrating each and every thing that happens this season.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Paul was going to spend Friday night creating some sort of drama to counter what happened during the nomination ceremony. He didn’t have to wait long, as Cody and Jessica heading up to the HOH room gave him the match to light his flame.
If you watch that scene again (approximately 7:20 BBT on last Friday’s feeds), it’s not nearly as explosive as the retells made it sound. It was a heated discussion, but it wasn’t a verbal brawl. It was only when Paul told Jessica to quiet down that it began to get ugly, and the real ugliness didn’t happen until Paul had his audience.
The two threw a couple of “fuck you’s” back and forth, but ultimately Cody did exactly what Paul said to do. He left the room! It was only when the door was open that Paul started calling Cody an “emotional pussy” and other inanities so that the entire house could hear him.
With a bigger audience, Paul’s exaggerations became worse in every retell, as did his fake tough guy persona. None of these retells reflected what actually happened, but they did the job. The minions believed each and every word, of course, but it also caused a rift between Cody and Jessica. They sort of broke up for a bit, and on numerous occasions Cody has said she shouldn’t use the Hex as he wants to give up his game for her benefit.
Would she do something that stupid? Here’s where Jessica again proves she’s no brain surgeon. Paul came to her yesterday with a deal - sacrifice Cody (i.e. don’t use the Hex) and they’ll keep her safe for two weeks. Oh, and Paul promised that everybody will make Alex their target because they apparently all really love and support Jessica when Cody’s not around.
Why would Jessica believe for a second that Paul, along with his minions, would follow through on these promises? There’s not a chance that would happen, and she should know that.
There are people that believe it would be better for her game if Cody wasn’t in the house. Maybe this would have been true a few weeks ago. Not anymore. He’s her only real ally, and will always be a bigger target than her, as even Elena and Mark now report to Paul whatever they say.
In fact, last night Jessica and Elena had a great conversation on Jessica’s game plan that should have raised some suspicions in Elena’s mind about Paul. "They keep saying that it will make them happy if I don't use it”, Jess said at one point.”Their mistake is thinking I care." What did Elena do? She immediately ran upstairs and reported their chat.
And let’s be clear that the minions will never actually accept Jessica. That’s ludicrous. Think about Survivor for a moment. What is always said to an outside person thinking about joining the majority alliance? That they will be the first person to be chucked aside by their new friends. That’s what will happen to Jessica. In fact, Paul the over-thinker has already floated the idea of getting rid of her this week instead of Cody.
Will we ever get rid of Paul? Will people finally think about actually winning this game, or is jury really their only goal? Kevin did broach the topic with Jason yesterday, but Kevin is all talk and Jason won’t do anything without Alex’s approval. And who does Alex feel honored to be working with? Paul.
That’s why this new “Temptation Competition” scares me a bit, as it could be yet another protection for Paul. I can see it happening now. Jess or Cody (if he survives this week) is the next HOH, so Paul again gathers his minions to orchestrate his survival:
Paul: Ok, Alex, I need you to lick my scrotum.
Alex: It would be an honor, sir.
Paul: Matt, your job is to rim my ass.
Matt; On it, boss!
Sure, the last-place finisher in this comp is now an automatic third nominee, but Paul will just put on his “we have the votes to save you” cap and they’ll do their duty to save their savior.
To be fair, none of this would have happened if Jessica had better handled this Hex. Expecting Paul to actually work with her was a disastrous mistake, especially as she eventually confided the entire gimmick. She should have remained vague. The grins on their faces as Paul nominated them should have ended the conversation. It would have torn him up this entire week.
Previous to that, Jessica was idiotic in not allowing Cody to compete in that first Temptation Competition. All that accomplished was giving them another thing to fight about when things went awry between them this weekend.
All of this rambling leads up to today’s POV meeting. Paul again had all sorts of plans for what he was going to say, and he made demands on what Jason should say before Paul saved him. Cody refused to participate in this silliness. When asked to do the traditional “please keep me off the block” speech, Cody reportedly had nothing to say. Not shockingly, Paul (along with Josh) responded with the usual rants. “You don’t give a speech”, whined Josh. “You don’t participate, and you don’t have a personality? What the fuck are you doing here?” (Paul apparently also wasn't pleased with something Jessica said in her speech, but at this time of writing it's unclear what she said.)
So will Jess use the Hex? It seems so at this point on Monday afternoon, as she and Cody just talked about how next week is “do-or-die”. They have three comps to save their asses. “I do want us to win HoH. If one of us wins that (safety) and one wins the PoV, we are not going anywhere.” Then again, eviction night is still three days away.
BTW, Mike and I did a little research this weekend. Did you know out of all the seasons that have featured returnees, there’s only one where a vet didn’t end up in the top two? Obviously, the all-stars season (7) featured a top two of veterans but look at these stats:
Season 11 - Jordan won. Jesse, the lone vet, was eliminated by a Coup D’etat.
Season 13 - 6 returnees, with one of them, Rachel, winning.
Season 14 - 4 returnees initially in the game as “coaches”, with Dan losing to Ian..
Season 18 - 4 returnees, with Nicole beating Paul.
Season OTT - 1 returnee, Jason, who lost to Morgan.
Can you now understand why so many people don’t like mixing vets and new players? They have a built-in advantage called experience, which is almost always mixed with production tricks to ensure they last at least a month. This year’s domination by Paul was set up by those idiotic friendship bracelets that pretty much put together a team for him coupled with a first-week viewer’s poll where he was the only recognizable name. Under no circumstances would anybody else have won that first Den of Temptation.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Big Brother Gossip #806: I’d Catch A Grenade For Ya
It was supposed to be a quiet week in the Big Brother house. Along with many, many people, I groaned when Paul won HOH. Here we go. It's another week of "Paulsplaining", where he told his minions what they should think about everything in the house. Oh, and outside the house. Paul knows all, you know.
Yet, something exciting happened on Friday night. Cody and Jessica believed they had worked out some sort of understanding with Paul, and it all exploded when he nominated the two of them. All hell broke out. Cody and Jessica had a disagreement in the HOH. He turned it into something much bigger than that when they left his HOH. Josh went off on Mark for the 36,000th time, and after a second gimmick with pots and pans Mark grabbed the pans from his hands.
Two of the three couples in the house broke up, although one of them reunited. Which couples broke up, and which one reunited? You just have to listen to find out. Paul also continued his tough guy persona, and he coudln't be more contradictory over the week.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
Yet, something exciting happened on Friday night. Cody and Jessica believed they had worked out some sort of understanding with Paul, and it all exploded when he nominated the two of them. All hell broke out. Cody and Jessica had a disagreement in the HOH. He turned it into something much bigger than that when they left his HOH. Josh went off on Mark for the 36,000th time, and after a second gimmick with pots and pans Mark grabbed the pans from his hands.
Two of the three couples in the house broke up, although one of them reunited. Which couples broke up, and which one reunited? You just have to listen to find out. Paul also continued his tough guy persona, and he coudln't be more contradictory over the week.
Tonight's show was so much fun, even if we may be struck down for some of our commentary. We really appreciate all of the support you guys give us every year, and if you want to help out please check out our Patreon site. We are including the various elements of Scott and Colette's Day Drinking spinoff show as part of this year's rewards, so we really hope you think about checking it out. Otherwise, you can find this show on iTunes, Stitcher, and all of the usual podcast sites.
Oh yeah, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you're a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.
At the end of the day...
Hi everyone! I meant to do a little summation of last night's exciting feeds before I went to bed, but in all honesty, I was exhausted. So here we are, in the morning instead. :) This may read a little jumbled because SO MUCH WENT ON!!! But I trust you dear readers to be able to keep up. And if you can't, please, please, please tune into the Big Brother Gossip Show tonight because they will cover every thing in much better and greater detail than I ever could. Plus you get the added bonus of sound clips, which help to put everything into context as well! And consider getting the feeds; they're the real story of every season, not the edited bullshit segments the episodes give us. Nights like last night are the reasons why we love the feeds!! ;)
I came home from work to find all kinds of hell broken loose on the feeds. Apparently the Temptation Competition had already occurred, but that was left waaaay behind because of the drama that took place after nominations. (FYI: Apparently Mark won the Temptation Competition and Jason lost, so Jason is technically the third nominee this week. Not that he'll be going anywhere.)
When I logged onto the feeds, Jessica, Cody and Paul were in the HOH room having words. Jessica and Cody were, of course, upset about the nominations. Jessica was trying to let Paul know that she felt he was stupid for them. Paul was being his typical self, but got a little loud. He also chose to (in my opinion) try and deliberately bait Cody into the fully blown argument that happened. Cody eventually yelled quite a few things at Paul, including the fact that he treats the other houseguests like dogs, that he uses his vet status as a tool to claim he's better at the game and various other things; Paul demanded he leave the HOH room, and then called him a pussy when he did. Paul spent the rest of the evening doing retells over and over in which everything became exaggerated of course, and kept saying Cody behaved like a child and is too emotional. HA!
Which is kind of ironic considering all that was happening in the kitchen. Josh decided to continue his harassment of Mark. He began to bang the pots and pans again, calling him meatball and essentially engaged in some very annoying cat calling. Mark, who had been putting up with it for a while already, finally lost his cool. He approached Josh, ripped the pots and pans away from him (Please note there are FANTASTIC screenshots of this exact moment all over twitter. Go check it out! there are little clips too. Trust me, you'll want to see it!) while Kevin was between them trying to keep them in check. The feeds cut IMMEDIATELY! When they returned one or the other was in the DR. I can't remember and I apologize profusely because I should have been taking notes but I was too busy watching it all unfold! lol
Jessica and Cody, in the meantime, got into it as well, after the HOH scene. Jessica was VERY upset that Cody got in Paul's face so dramatically. She told him she doesn't want to date a hot head that she's going to have to worry about getting into fights all the time. She was both on point but a little over the top too. They eventually parted ways, with Cody removing himself to the Have Not room.
Paul was scurrying around talking to EVERYONE about all the things happening. He spent, along with Alex and a few others, some time encouraging Josh's antics. He thinks Josh is going to get America's Favourite for sure. (Please America, this is my official plea to you to work as hard as you can to ensure he doesn't get it??! PRETTY PLEASE?!) I'm not a big fan of Josh's behaviour; there's no strategy behind it, it's just annoying. I hate that Paul was going around calling Cody a child, yet he not only encourages and congratulates Josh on his behaviour, but also custom orders some of it. I do think there are ways Mark could have handled the situation and Josh that would have deescalated things, but Mark doesn't have 18 years of experience working with children and toddlers like I do. ;)
You could tell that some of the things Cody said to Paul really did get under his skin, especially the dog comment. That one was in all of his retells. Look, Paul is not my favourite this season, I haven't been shy about it, but I will give credit where credit is due. Yes, I do feel he has been given advantages by production, and he's got the added benefit of being in a house full of sheeple who'd rather follow than lead, but there's no denying that Paul does have a strong social game as well. He reminded me a little bit of (just a little bit!!) of Derrick from BB16 last night as he went around having one-one discussions with various people or small groups. He says his piece, plants a couple seeds then moves on. He essentially convinced Elena to break up with Mark. Which she did, in a roundabout way. Look, I ain't sorry to see any showmance die, I hate them. But I boggles my mind that anyone would do so at the behest of someone like Paul; she even used some of his specific wording.
Cody ended up grabbing his things and moving into the Have Not room, which pissed Jessica off even more. They got into another fight when she confronted him. He wouldn't even get out of the bed, lol. Cody has no finesse when it comes to women. She basically told him she wants him to change, and he basically told her that he never would. They ended up the night back in bed and cuddling, but there's definitely still some lovelorn tension there.
Other things to note: Everyone is now on board with Paul's plan to try and convince Jessica to not use her Hex. (Of which she confirmed all details to both Christmas and Elena by the way) Paul wants Cody out in a baaaad way. He's also not 100% in terms of his belief of the details of Jess's hex. If Paul and crew can convince her to not use the hex, honestly, that's excellent game play on their parts, sheer stupidity on hers and I will come to a crossroads where I will either have to give up on the season (except for the podcast) which is not likely, or be dragged kicking and screaming over the line into rooting for Paul. Don't @ me! ;) lol
Josh was told by the DR that he had to tone down his actions. Apparently it's in the rule book that you can't deliberately bait a houseguest into a fight as strategy. Mark made rounds where he apologized to each and every house guest for his actions, including Josh. Who refused to shake his hand when offered and basically told him he would never accept his apology. Whatever man-child. Both Christmas and Elena had private convos with Jess regarding letting Cody go to improve her own game. There was a funny little bitch session between Elena and Jess about Raven. Mark and Cody are ready to throw themselves on the proverbial sword for the sake of their ladies' games.
The housguests were given BB Storm Warnings all night, which we're all assuming is for the POV comp today. (Which also convinced Paul that Jess is lying about her hex. He doesn't think production would go to all this trouble if this would end up being a dud week. LOL) Please note that this competition was played last year. In Paul's original season. That Paul won. Make of that what you will. ;)
And with that, I'm off! You can follow me on twitter at @Shienara33 if you're so inclined. I'm off to enjoy the rest of this gorgeous Saturday, but I'll be checking in from time to time to see the house happenings after such an exciting night. Have a great day! :)
I came home from work to find all kinds of hell broken loose on the feeds. Apparently the Temptation Competition had already occurred, but that was left waaaay behind because of the drama that took place after nominations. (FYI: Apparently Mark won the Temptation Competition and Jason lost, so Jason is technically the third nominee this week. Not that he'll be going anywhere.)
When I logged onto the feeds, Jessica, Cody and Paul were in the HOH room having words. Jessica and Cody were, of course, upset about the nominations. Jessica was trying to let Paul know that she felt he was stupid for them. Paul was being his typical self, but got a little loud. He also chose to (in my opinion) try and deliberately bait Cody into the fully blown argument that happened. Cody eventually yelled quite a few things at Paul, including the fact that he treats the other houseguests like dogs, that he uses his vet status as a tool to claim he's better at the game and various other things; Paul demanded he leave the HOH room, and then called him a pussy when he did. Paul spent the rest of the evening doing retells over and over in which everything became exaggerated of course, and kept saying Cody behaved like a child and is too emotional. HA!
Which is kind of ironic considering all that was happening in the kitchen. Josh decided to continue his harassment of Mark. He began to bang the pots and pans again, calling him meatball and essentially engaged in some very annoying cat calling. Mark, who had been putting up with it for a while already, finally lost his cool. He approached Josh, ripped the pots and pans away from him (Please note there are FANTASTIC screenshots of this exact moment all over twitter. Go check it out! there are little clips too. Trust me, you'll want to see it!) while Kevin was between them trying to keep them in check. The feeds cut IMMEDIATELY! When they returned one or the other was in the DR. I can't remember and I apologize profusely because I should have been taking notes but I was too busy watching it all unfold! lol
Jessica and Cody, in the meantime, got into it as well, after the HOH scene. Jessica was VERY upset that Cody got in Paul's face so dramatically. She told him she doesn't want to date a hot head that she's going to have to worry about getting into fights all the time. She was both on point but a little over the top too. They eventually parted ways, with Cody removing himself to the Have Not room.
Paul was scurrying around talking to EVERYONE about all the things happening. He spent, along with Alex and a few others, some time encouraging Josh's antics. He thinks Josh is going to get America's Favourite for sure. (Please America, this is my official plea to you to work as hard as you can to ensure he doesn't get it??! PRETTY PLEASE?!) I'm not a big fan of Josh's behaviour; there's no strategy behind it, it's just annoying. I hate that Paul was going around calling Cody a child, yet he not only encourages and congratulates Josh on his behaviour, but also custom orders some of it. I do think there are ways Mark could have handled the situation and Josh that would have deescalated things, but Mark doesn't have 18 years of experience working with children and toddlers like I do. ;)
You could tell that some of the things Cody said to Paul really did get under his skin, especially the dog comment. That one was in all of his retells. Look, Paul is not my favourite this season, I haven't been shy about it, but I will give credit where credit is due. Yes, I do feel he has been given advantages by production, and he's got the added benefit of being in a house full of sheeple who'd rather follow than lead, but there's no denying that Paul does have a strong social game as well. He reminded me a little bit of (just a little bit!!) of Derrick from BB16 last night as he went around having one-one discussions with various people or small groups. He says his piece, plants a couple seeds then moves on. He essentially convinced Elena to break up with Mark. Which she did, in a roundabout way. Look, I ain't sorry to see any showmance die, I hate them. But I boggles my mind that anyone would do so at the behest of someone like Paul; she even used some of his specific wording.
Cody ended up grabbing his things and moving into the Have Not room, which pissed Jessica off even more. They got into another fight when she confronted him. He wouldn't even get out of the bed, lol. Cody has no finesse when it comes to women. She basically told him she wants him to change, and he basically told her that he never would. They ended up the night back in bed and cuddling, but there's definitely still some lovelorn tension there.
Other things to note: Everyone is now on board with Paul's plan to try and convince Jessica to not use her Hex. (Of which she confirmed all details to both Christmas and Elena by the way) Paul wants Cody out in a baaaad way. He's also not 100% in terms of his belief of the details of Jess's hex. If Paul and crew can convince her to not use the hex, honestly, that's excellent game play on their parts, sheer stupidity on hers and I will come to a crossroads where I will either have to give up on the season (except for the podcast) which is not likely, or be dragged kicking and screaming over the line into rooting for Paul. Don't @ me! ;) lol
Josh was told by the DR that he had to tone down his actions. Apparently it's in the rule book that you can't deliberately bait a houseguest into a fight as strategy. Mark made rounds where he apologized to each and every house guest for his actions, including Josh. Who refused to shake his hand when offered and basically told him he would never accept his apology. Whatever man-child. Both Christmas and Elena had private convos with Jess regarding letting Cody go to improve her own game. There was a funny little bitch session between Elena and Jess about Raven. Mark and Cody are ready to throw themselves on the proverbial sword for the sake of their ladies' games.
The housguests were given BB Storm Warnings all night, which we're all assuming is for the POV comp today. (Which also convinced Paul that Jess is lying about her hex. He doesn't think production would go to all this trouble if this would end up being a dud week. LOL) Please note that this competition was played last year. In Paul's original season. That Paul won. Make of that what you will. ;)
And with that, I'm off! You can follow me on twitter at @Shienara33 if you're so inclined. I'm off to enjoy the rest of this gorgeous Saturday, but I'll be checking in from time to time to see the house happenings after such an exciting night. Have a great day! :)
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