Hi everyone! I meant to do a little summation of last night's exciting feeds before I went to bed, but in all honesty, I was exhausted. So here we are, in the morning instead. :) This may read a little jumbled because SO MUCH WENT ON!!! But I trust you dear readers to be able to keep up. And if you can't, please, please, please tune into the Big Brother Gossip Show tonight because they will cover every thing in much better and greater detail than I ever could. Plus you get the added bonus of sound clips, which help to put everything into context as well! And consider getting the feeds; they're the real story of every season, not the edited bullshit segments the episodes give us. Nights like last night are the reasons why we love the feeds!! ;)
I came home from work to find all kinds of hell broken loose on the feeds. Apparently the Temptation Competition had already occurred, but that was left waaaay behind because of the drama that took place after nominations. (FYI: Apparently Mark won the Temptation Competition and Jason lost, so Jason is technically the third nominee this week. Not that he'll be going anywhere.)
When I logged onto the feeds, Jessica, Cody and Paul were in the HOH room having words. Jessica and Cody were, of course, upset about the nominations. Jessica was trying to let Paul know that she felt he was stupid for them. Paul was being his typical self, but got a little loud. He also chose to (in my opinion) try and deliberately bait Cody into the fully blown argument that happened. Cody eventually yelled quite a few things at Paul, including the fact that he treats the other houseguests like dogs, that he uses his vet status as a tool to claim he's better at the game and various other things; Paul demanded he leave the HOH room, and then called him a pussy when he did. Paul spent the rest of the evening doing retells over and over in which everything became exaggerated of course, and kept saying Cody behaved like a child and is too emotional. HA!
Which is kind of ironic considering all that was happening in the kitchen. Josh decided to continue his harassment of Mark. He began to bang the pots and pans again, calling him meatball and essentially engaged in some very annoying cat calling. Mark, who had been putting up with it for a while already, finally lost his cool. He approached Josh, ripped the pots and pans away from him (Please note there are FANTASTIC screenshots of this exact moment all over twitter. Go check it out! there are little clips too. Trust me, you'll want to see it!) while Kevin was between them trying to keep them in check. The feeds cut IMMEDIATELY! When they returned one or the other was in the DR. I can't remember and I apologize profusely because I should have been taking notes but I was too busy watching it all unfold! lol
Jessica and Cody, in the meantime, got into it as well, after the HOH scene. Jessica was VERY upset that Cody got in Paul's face so dramatically. She told him she doesn't want to date a hot head that she's going to have to worry about getting into fights all the time. She was both on point but a little over the top too. They eventually parted ways, with Cody removing himself to the Have Not room.
Paul was scurrying around talking to EVERYONE about all the things happening. He spent, along with Alex and a few others, some time encouraging Josh's antics. He thinks Josh is going to get America's Favourite for sure. (Please America, this is my official plea to you to work as hard as you can to ensure he doesn't get it??! PRETTY PLEASE?!) I'm not a big fan of Josh's behaviour; there's no strategy behind it, it's just annoying. I hate that Paul was going around calling Cody a child, yet he not only encourages and congratulates Josh on his behaviour, but also custom orders some of it. I do think there are ways Mark could have handled the situation and Josh that would have deescalated things, but Mark doesn't have 18 years of experience working with children and toddlers like I do. ;)
You could tell that some of the things Cody said to Paul really did get under his skin, especially the dog comment. That one was in all of his retells. Look, Paul is not my favourite this season, I haven't been shy about it, but I will give credit where credit is due. Yes, I do feel he has been given advantages by production, and he's got the added benefit of being in a house full of sheeple who'd rather follow than lead, but there's no denying that Paul does have a strong social game as well. He reminded me a little bit of (just a little bit!!) of Derrick from BB16 last night as he went around having one-one discussions with various people or small groups. He says his piece, plants a couple seeds then moves on. He essentially convinced Elena to break up with Mark. Which she did, in a roundabout way. Look, I ain't sorry to see any showmance die, I hate them. But I boggles my mind that anyone would do so at the behest of someone like Paul; she even used some of his specific wording.
Cody ended up grabbing his things and moving into the Have Not room, which pissed Jessica off even more. They got into another fight when she confronted him. He wouldn't even get out of the bed, lol. Cody has no finesse when it comes to women. She basically told him she wants him to change, and he basically told her that he never would. They ended up the night back in bed and cuddling, but there's definitely still some lovelorn tension there.
Other things to note: Everyone is now on board with Paul's plan to try and convince Jessica to not use her Hex. (Of which she confirmed all details to both Christmas and Elena by the way) Paul wants Cody out in a baaaad way. He's also not 100% in terms of his belief of the details of Jess's hex. If Paul and crew can convince her to not use the hex, honestly, that's excellent game play on their parts, sheer stupidity on hers and I will come to a crossroads where I will either have to give up on the season (except for the podcast) which is not likely, or be dragged kicking and screaming over the line into rooting for Paul. Don't @ me! ;) lol
Josh was told by the DR that he had to tone down his actions. Apparently it's in the rule book that you can't deliberately bait a houseguest into a fight as strategy. Mark made rounds where he apologized to each and every house guest for his actions, including Josh. Who refused to shake his hand when offered and basically told him he would never accept his apology. Whatever man-child. Both Christmas and Elena had private convos with Jess regarding letting Cody go to improve her own game. There was a funny little bitch session between Elena and Jess about Raven. Mark and Cody are ready to throw themselves on the proverbial sword for the sake of their ladies' games.
The housguests were given BB Storm Warnings all night, which we're all assuming is for the POV comp today. (Which also convinced Paul that Jess is lying about her hex. He doesn't think production would go to all this trouble if this would end up being a dud week. LOL) Please note that this competition was played last year. In Paul's original season. That Paul won. Make of that what you will. ;)
And with that, I'm off! You can follow me on twitter at @Shienara33 if you're so inclined. I'm off to enjoy the rest of this gorgeous Saturday, but I'll be checking in from time to time to see the house happenings after such an exciting night. Have a great day! :)
So, after all that it appears there will be no eviction this coming week so there's really no reason to even bother to watch the Thursday show. Grodner has created a situation where the show seems redundant and irrelevant. Nice job Allison!
ReplyDeletePretty much. I probably won't watch until it's HOH time. I enjoy the feeds way more than the episodes anyways.