After six long months, the Big Brother Gossip Show finally comes to an end. Tonight's show covers the last couple of days of Big Brother Over the Top that culminated with Morgan's surprise win. We chat about how this happened, and even gasp a bit when we heard the Chenbot let lose with a profanity. There's also a segment where we talk about what we liked about this season, and what should be carried forward into the future.
There's also a major announcement that was made at the beginning of the show. Throughout these six months of shows, Scott and Colette have recorded a bonus show for Patreon contributors. Day Drinking With Scott & Colette will now be a weekly show that has its own Patreon page. There's also a Facebook page. If you like what we do, please give this brand new show a shot, as both Colette and I are extremely excited about it.
Besides that, all three of us want to thank all of you for your support this season. It's really been a fun time, even if the two season combined to over six months of broadcasts. Both seasons were quite fun to cover, and we're excited to be back next summer for Big Brother #18!
As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
We've now hit the last week of the special fall season of Big Brother, and the action has rapidly slowed down. Since Shelby's departure last Wednesday, little has happened besides the four of them just laying around. Their fifteen minutes is almost up, which is where I came up with the title "Waiting to be Forgotten".
Ok, I lied. That's a Replacements lyric, and it's also the title of a new book of crime stories inspired by my favorite band. Go listen to my most recent episode of The Ledge to hear three of the authors talk about their stories.
A few things did happen worth chatting about tonight, though. After Shelby's departure, Morgan revealed that Alex is her sister. There was also a breakdown between Justin and the rest of his reminaing alliance after the new HOH, Justin, announced that he was taking Kryssie to the finale.
This led to days and days of Kryssie and Jason complaining about Justin, and Justin doing nothing but moping around the house. Morgan, meanwhile, made the most of her days by herself. She studied the "days", worked out a bit, and did some sunbathing. While she doesn't deserve to win (IMHO), she is definitely the best behaved of the final four.
With the winner being crowned on Thursday, we have decided that our season (and 2016) finale will take place this Friday night at 7:30 PM ET. Join us as we not only chat about these last couple of days but take an overall look at this past season. It's been fun, and a breath of fresh air after the disastrous season 18.
As always, we thank each and every one of you for your support. If you want to see how you can help us more, head to our Patreon site. On Friday we will also be announcing the plans to keep the Day Drinking show alive until the next season of Big Brother!
As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
We're getting close to the end of the season, and everything that happens is important in determing who will win. Tonight covers last week's eviction, HOH competition, nominations, and today's POV comp.
We also made a huge announcement in that for the first time since our initial season we will be doing a post-finale broadcast. We're doing this simply because there is no broadcast television version of this season, and we know there are non-feed watchers out there that want to know how this all ended. We're happy to pop the corks on some more booze for one more night.
Once again, we do thank everybody for your support. It's been a long six months, but it's also been oh so fun. We love each and every one of you that has been listening throughout both of these season. If you like what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon page. It really helps ups put together the best show we can possibly produce.
As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
You may think that this week's title refers to this week's POV competition. Yeah, it does to an extent but it really refers to much, much more. One could say it starts with the fake alliance Jason and Danielle made with Morgan, Alex, and Shelby. Or you could say it was the Plastics hearing Whitney tell Justin they should make a celebratory dinner. after the POV that ultimately sent Alex home.
Either way, everything that has happened in the last seven days are the results of those two seemingly non-important events. Would Morgan and Shelby still want to target Danielle? Maybe. Would Whitney have been evicted last Wednesday? Maybe. But those earlier events certainly ensured they happened.
Tonight's Big Brother Gossip Show covers all of this, and much, much more. There's also a rundown of the odd events during last week's double eviction, including the controversial Care Package awarded to Morgan.
If you like what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon page. It really helps ups put together the best show we can possibly produce.
As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
What a weird night! If there ever was a Big Brother eviction night that was both entertaining AND troubling it was last night's double eviction. In some ways it was a complete shit show, but it was also one of the most interesting nights of game play I've seen in quite some time.
The night begins with an egregious error by the production team. In the late afternoon, the house was summoned to watch some videos to prepare for the night's HOH competition. At the end of it, a piece of diary room footage was accidentally aired to the entire house. The clip that aired was Shelby talking about taking her LSAT. Her reaction was pure fury, and she stormed off to the diary room. Remember, she has been keeping her law school history a secret from everybody (except the sisters she revealed it to yesterday). She was also pissed because her time spent in the diary room didn't allow her to assist Morgan and Alex study.
Due to this incident, during the week recap episode the house got another chance to watch the vids, which I believed were altered a bit. The eviction then happened, and Alex was out as expected.
Shortly after, the doorbell rang and the Redheaded Monster arrived to host the next HOH. Ugh, why do I have to endure Rachel again? This comp was about the vids they had just viewed, which were all about the "Big Brother Shopping Network". Justin missed one question, but everybody else correctly picked True or False on each question. The tiebreaker then was the total cost of ALL of the items, and we had our second controversy of the night. When Rachel asked for answers, Danielle continued to figure out her answer. It was another 20 seconds or so before she locked in her answer, and of course she won. Really, though, we've seen others over the years try to get as much time as possible so I had no issue with it. If Danielle had been disqualified, Morgan would not have won so it's really a moot point.
The phone lines were then opened to vote for the next care package. As this went on, the divide in the house was predictable. Morgan and Shelby cried and cried, while the Misfits babbled. Well, Danielle babbled, and the rest listened and giggled.
It was approximately 90 minutes later when the shrieking America's Care Package voice came on, and everybody ran outside. This is where it was once again a bit confusing, and if you're on a certain side it was a rigged event. The Care Package we were voting on was the actual POV, and it was awarded to Morgan. However, not only did this POV make her safe from nomination, but also allowed her to use it to save a person.
That's not exactly what the public was voting on, and the main issue was the timing. All season, the care packages have been awarded before nominations, while the POV obviously happens AFTER nomination. These two acts being combined raises many issues. It's my belief that the care package should have been dropped before nominations as usual, but it should have not been opened until afterwards. They could have announced who won it, and then the strategy between all players could have included the theories as to the contents of the care package.
Oh well. If you're into drama and strategy, this did create some fun. Before it dropped, the girls knew that one of them was going home. Shelby's tears were more about the fact that she'd be alone with all of these people she hated. But Morgan winning saved both of them, and their tears turned into celebrations.
After a bit of time where the other group felt sorry for themselves (especially a tearful Whitney), Danielle went to talk to Morgan and Shelby. Well, she mainly talked. Knowing she was going to have to evict one of her team, Danielle's only demand was that Jason be kept safe. Eventually they decided that Whitney and Justin would be the nominees. When Jason was brought in, Shelby even joked "I don't trust you but I'll work with you."
In tears, Danielle then nominated Whitney and Justin. We had another few minutes of strategy, but none of it involved either nominee. In fact, Justin spent that other time trying to cheer up Whitney, who was convinced she was going home. Meanwhile, Jason and Danielle were sort of arguing with Morgan and Shelby over who should be evicted. The girls wanted Justin out, while Danielle/Jason were worried that Whitney may slide back to the girl's side if she was saved. Ultimately, Danielle said she'd decide at the moment she had to break the tie.
The vote then happened, and Danielle broke the predicted tie by...evicting Whitney!!! Hallelujah!!! It's such a fabulous move!!! Whit the Twit is gone!!!
At this point, I went to bed. This turned out to be the best move given what happened over the next six or so hours. The HOH comp actually started not long after Whitney's departure. It was a maze-ish setup where each contestant had to position mirrors to reflect a laser beam to hit a target. Jason was first, and finished at 8:14. Morgan was next and her time was 11:27. Kryssie also struggled, but finished at 11:57.
This is when things get interesting. It was now Shelby's turn, and at first it seems that she has not managed to beat Jason's time. For three hours, we had no idea what was going on. Poor Kryssie (and this is the only time I'll ever write those two words together) was stuck in the storage room, while the others were in rooms with beds.
Here's a video of what happened during Shelby's run:
After all of this waiting, Justin finally started the competition at 3:40 am. In a move that shocked nobody, Justin timed out at 20 minutes. He is just the worst at competition!!! Or is he even trying? That's what everybody wants to know.
So it seemed like Jason had won HOH. But then came the official announcement. Shelby had a mirror malfunction (broke), and production had determined the breakage happened at 7:23. Because of this issue, the two would be having a face-off tonight (Thursday) to determine the HOH.
This is when the online world went nuts. Rigging, conspiracies, and incompetence are just a few of the words thrown around ever since this happened. Many feel that production is trying to rig this for Shelby, and it also wasn't fair to Justin to have to wait so long.
Everybody needs to just settle down. Let's take a look at this from the perspective of a person who doesn't care who wins or loses this game. There's the obvious question that I ask anytime somebody believes there is interference from production. Why would they want Shelby to win? Why would they not want Danielle to win? Or Justin?
Here's what I think happened. An unforeseen incident happened at almost one in the morning. A solution must be immediately determined that is fair to everyone, but nothing was going to please everybody. There's also a piece of equipment that must be replaced, which may not be easy to do in the middle of the night. Even after replacing the mirror, there has to be some testing to ensure that the laser would properly work with this new mirror. Hell, the person in charge of the setup may have even gone home for the night. We don't know.
I'm pleading with my friends to take emotion out of last night's incidents. This is not Trump versus Clinton. It's a handful of twenty-somethings playing a TV game show, and overall this has been a fabulous season. Why does it matter who wins?
Before chatting about this episode I must give a bit of an apology. We had some connection issues that not only affected the ability of our fine friends in the mixlr chat to hear the show live, but the three of us were disconnected a couple of times on Skype. Thanks to those who patiently sat through these problems.
This week's live feeds commenced with the somewhat shocking HOH win by Shelby. Through the course of the next five days, we saw a variety of mood swings from the recently-graduated law student. Tonight we study everything she did or didn't accomplish, including a mischievous plot by Jason and the rest of the Misfits.
Once again, we also give a lesson about thinking of the bigger picture. We perfectly analyze why certain people need to stick around for a few more weeks even if they are indeed the worst people in the world. Hopefully, you have all learned that you should take Colette's voting tips to heart. She is thinking of the overall good of the feeds - chaos, controversy, and clusterfucks! If you like what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon page. It really helps us put together the best show we can possibly produce. As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
Happy Halloween!!! Yes, we were live on mixlr tonight with the fifth episode of this fall Big Brother season. There was plenty to discuss, as always, including Danielle's HOH, allegations of production favoritism and the weird obsession that Scott has towards Alex. There were also a couple of great public vote outcomes (and one not so great pick), and an entertaining holiday-themed POV competition. Once again, we also give a lesson about thinking of the bigger picture. We perfectly analyze why certain people need to stick around for a few more weeks even if they are indeed the worst people in the world. Hopefully, you have all learned that you shoudl take Colette's voting tips to heart. She is thinking of the overall good of the feeds - chaos, controversy, and clusterfucks! If you like what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon page. It really helps us put together the best show we can possibly produce. As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
Ever since the season started, I’ve been inundated with allegations that I’m “biased” towards a certain side. Some believe that I’m in the pocket of the plastics, while others say I’m a card-carrying “misfit”.
Hogwash. As I’ve said for years, I’ve never had my enjoyment of a season determined by the fate of an individual or an alliance. I just want to be entertained. I want drama. I want fun. I want unpredictability.
Although anybody can study the history of my Big Brother Gossip podcasts, posts, and even my twitter to see that I’m consistent with this belief, my personal disappointment with what is otherwise a great season is the fanbase abuse. You would not believe what I’ve been called over the past few weeks, and out-of-context tweets are quite often utilized as “proof”.
You silly geese. The fact that I don’t have a rooting interest means that at some point of any season every Big Brother contestant is criticized. Everybody has moments where I make fun of them. Nobody is out of bounds for snark.
That’s not to say I have equal opinions on every single person. Of course not. There are those that I completely detest from minute one. Paulie from last season was a perfect example, as was “He Who Shall Not Be Named” in his season.
With all this said, along with some spare time, this is my current rankings of those still involved in the Big Brother Over The Top season. It’s not a “most likely to win” list, nor is this an overview on gameplay. It’s simply who entertains me. I’m just combining primarily entertainment value, along with game play and other traits into a likabilyt list.
Keep in mind that this is my order today. Yesterday may have been different, and next week I’m bound to again change my mind. For example, two weeks ago Danielle would be much lower on my list than she is today, but her annoyance level has dramatically decreased since boring lover boy Shane was evicted.
1. Justin. Is he a great Big Brother strategist? Not at all, but he’s not nearly as inept as some believe. He’s kind of sneaky good, and from day one he’s never had a problem with hanging with the “other side”. He even gives pep talks when times are bad. When feeds are boring, I just look for Justin.
2. Jason. While his first season was spent primarily in bed, this season’s anti-napping rules have been great for his game. Although he and the rest of the Misfits tended to isolate themselves from the rest of the house in the early weeks, he’s come to realize in the last week or so that he needs to establish some other relationships. His live diary room segments are also much more insightful than anybody else in the house.
3. Shelby. Ok, everybody knows why I initially loved this little twit. She’s cute, especially in a bikini. Her stock lowered a bit as time went on, but I’ve come back to appreciate her. In fact, it’s now more than just looks for me. For one, she’s hilarious. Her snark level is unprecedented for a female Big Brother contestant. I also believe that she’s playing up her ditzy L.A. girl persona, and her always-entertaining live diary rooms are proof of that.
4. Alex. Let’s get the negatives out of the way. Yes, she is the worst in the diary room. In fact, she makes Big Brother 18’s Natalie appear restrained. Her begging “America” for our votes should also be banned. She is the true ringleader of the plastics, though, and she’s been pretty masterful at leading not only the other three girls but her obsessed, drooling, friend-zoned manservant Scott. Why she’s not getting more accolades from the fan base that has long desired a girl’s alliance is beyond me.
5. Danielle. Two weeks ago I was begging for the house to evict her. I couldn’t handle any time the feeds were on her, as she dominated each and every conversation. Her fifteen minute rundown of every birthday in her life showcased just how self-centered she was, and the story of how her dog died angered almost anybody who heard it. In the last two weeks, though, she’s greatly calmed down. When Kryssie was HOH, she quietly was the rock that kept her grounded. As HOH this week, she’s using logic and strategy instead of the pettiness most of us predicted.
6. Morgan. The hate towards Alex’s sister is also perplexing. There’s nothing exciting about her. She’s not some great strategist, nor is she likely to make it to the end unless Alex drags her there. But outside of befriending Monte, she hasn’t done anything truly offensive. Truthfully, how is she any worse than any of the females from Big Brother 18? Now that I think about it, I’d take her over any of them!
7. Kryssie. I go back and forth on Kryssie. There are many things likable about her, but any time I think of her positive attributes she’ll loudly burp for five seconds. My main problems with her have everything to do with hypocrisy and delusion. She’s offended when the plastics celebrate in the bathroom, but was all about Neeley’s bump and grind dance after she won HOH. She’s anti-backdooring in principle...except when it’s her side planning the backdoor. She also firmly believed (for a few moments) Morgan would use the POV on Neeley instead of herself last week. What really dropped her in this list, though, was not so much the fact that she gave up on the wall POV but she turned a couple of blisters into a modern day version of Jesus being hung on the cross.
8. Whitney. I’ll admit that she’s not playing a bad game, but that’s all you’ll get from me. I hate her voice. I detest her Middle America pop culture taste. She’s simple. She’s boring. The fact that until this weekend’s have-nots she has not been voted a nomination is mind-boggling to me.
9. Scott. If he quit trying to live out a real-life version of Revenge of the Nerds, some people could easily root for him as an underdog. Instead, he thinks of himself as a ruthless Evil Dick-ish antihero who is there to keep his fair maiden Alex safe. None of his antics of the last few days (antagonizing Danielle, clapping at Neeley’s eviction) has done anything to elevate his game, and has probably squashed the potential of cementing working relationships with Jason and/or Justin.
There you have it. Maybe in a couple of weeks I’ll update this list. In the meantime, what is your list? I’d love to see “fair and balanced” lists from other feedsters. A word of warning, though. I’ll always ignore anybody who attempts to lecture me on what my opinions “must” be. be revealed in a minute. After some fiery discussions in the house about loyalty and bullying, the cast was called to the memory wall to view some "baseball cards" (photos). Ten minutes later, BB attempted to get them in the backyard, but they had some audio issues.
These problem persisted for a bit longer before it finally commenced. It's a true/false competition called "One Strike You're Out" where you're knocked out for an incorrect answer. The first question is whether in "down the line" there is a black dot between the letters OTT and HOH. The answer is true, so Scott, Alex, and Shelby are already out.
Question two is about "7th inning stretch" - whether the words "cold drinks" are visible. The answer is true, and now Morgan is eliminated. Things are looking good for the Misfits.
The third question is whether the care package box is in the shade, and they all get this wrong. Two of them started to walk away before they discovered they were still in the game. Question four is whether there were bananas in a picture, and Justin and Jason are the next ones kicked to the curb.
That means it is now Danielle versus Whitney, and they both get this question correct. We finally have a winner...and it's Danielle! Oh boy, this is going to be quite the week!
I'm off to bed!!! Have fun with the ramifications of this comp!
Sorry, kids, for the lack of updates. I actually started tonight's post back on Monday during the POV competition, but the fact that it ran so long meant that I had to put it aside to focus on the latest Big Brother Gossip Show episode.
As you undoubtedly know, the HOH this week is Kryssie. Her immediate targets were Scott and Alex, but this was foiled when Alex won America's Care Package. This prize gave her immunity from nomination, but also made her Kryssie's "maid" for the week. Kryssie was as unhappy with the idea of Alex being her servant as Alex was for having to endure Kryssie.
With Alex no longer available, Kryssie had to come up with an alternate plan. Obviously, this was going to be either Shelby, Morgan, or Whitney. Kryssie decided to wait until after the Have-Nots were announced to make her pick, and this week's slop-chompers ended up being Jason, Neeley, and Scott.
Saturday saw the first safety announcements, and they went to Justin, Danielle, and Neeley. The following night Kryssie gave safety to Jason, Whitney and Shelby. This obviously made her nominees Scott and Morgan.
This morning saw the unveiling of America's Nomination, and it went to Neeley! This greatly upset Jason, who went on and on about that "prostitute" Shelby. Classy, my friend. The POV draw also happened at that point, and Justin's chip was pulled. Scott had a Houseguest Choice chip, and he picked Shelby.
Monday afternoon saw this week's POV competition. This comp was called "Wall of Shame", and it was an individual timed event. There was a wall they had to "climb" to unveil questions regarding previous evicted houseguests Cornbread, Monte, and Shane. Each answer was a number which the contestant had to go back and grab. If they fell, extra time would be added. The longest they could spend on the comp was 30 minutes, but there total time could exceed that if penalties minutes were added
Morgan was the first to compete, and we thus first saw the questions. Shane's query was, "in Shane's awful performance in 'Live By The Sword', ____ HG's were eliminated before him. The day of Monte's eviction is the second question. For Cornbread, it was about how many people voted against him.
Morgan drew the first chip, and after a couple of miscues she completed the task in approximately 8 minutes. Neeley was next, and took over 20 minutes, and had two penalties. Kryssie moved faster than I ever thought she could, but wasted a lot of time trying to figure out the numbers. She also purposely took a couple of penalties so she could just walk back. Incorrect guesses also screwed her potential for a shocking win, along with a different issue. "Can I just give up? I'm fucking bleeding." She did finally just stand on the platform until the 30 minute maximum time ended. (BTW, all of this "bleeding" she was bitching about? She had a small blister on her hand.)
After that embarrassing display, Shelby is the next person up. Being tiny certainly helped her scamper around the wall, but she also wasted a lot of time thinking. Her time ended up being just north of thirteen minutes (but she looked cute doing it!).
The it was Scott's turn. He had spent the last hour or so in the yoga room doing yoga and psyching himself up like a fool. He did really well, but the sex noises he was making drove me nuts. When he finished he acted like he was a WWE heel stealing the heavyweight title. He was jumping around and screaming, and continued it when he returned to the yoga room.
Finally, it was Justin's turn. Let's just say he had no idea what the answers were, so although he was amazingly quick he had no chance to finish in time. Morgan thus won, as Scott's 8:51 was just a few seconds slower than Morgan!
Obviously, Morgan was going to save herself, but the others had different ideas. Alex wanted her to save Scott with it, and Kryssie said there's no way Morgan wouldn't save Neeley with it. Wait, what??? She did indeed take herself down, and Whitney was put up in her place (she volunteered). Scott also got into a little argument with Danielle, and Neeley yelled at him earlier today.
So that catches you up to tonight's eviction, and I really have no idea how this is going to go. I don't know who the online vote is going to choose, and there are actually a couple of votes that could go either way.
This eviction was quite fun. Scott's final plea was nothing but "thanks for the memories. One love." Neeley then filibustered, going on and on about how Scott didn't deserve to be in the house, plays for TV time, and applauded Kryssie's hand injury. In the meantime, Scott just sat there and acted shocked she would say such a thing. Whitney then babbled a bit, but I muted so I didn't have to hear her.
Then the voting began, and it was as expected. Jason, Danielle, and Justin voted to evict Scott, while Shelby, Morgan, and Alex voted to evict Neeley. Since America voted against Neeley, she was out by a 4-3 vote.
When Kryssie read the announcement, Scott immediately began clapping hard. Kryssie yelled at him for this, and he did his usual "this is Big Brother" routine before continuing to clap as he wandered around the house. The girls all went to the bathroom to celebrate. Kryssie interrupted them to ask why they were keeping this nasty kid in the house another week. They gave her some excuses about doing what was best for them, and Morgan apologized. Alex even added that Scott has been as "bullied" as he has bullied others. Ugh, that word again.
So that's it! There's a HOH comp in less than an hour. Who do you want to see win? Does Scott make it past another week? We shall see really really soon!
It's been a long, long week, but Mike, Scott, and Colette once again take you through everything that happened from the moment Shane was evicted to when Morgan won POV.
Her victory literally came as we were starting tonight's podcast, but we still managed to keep an eye on everything as we were putting together the broadcast. It's a feisty little show tonight, with even an angry word or two expressed. But that's part of the fun of this passionate little show. Once again, we also give a lesson about thinking of the bigger picture. We perfectly analyze why certain people need to stick around for a few more weeks even if they are indeed the worst people in the world. Hopefully, you have all learned that you shoudl take Colette's voting tips to heart. She is thinking of the overall good of the feeds - chaos, controversy, and clusterfucks! If you like what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon page. It really helps us put together the best show we can possibly produce. As always, you can listen to this show from the usual online sources, including:
I had just posted my eviction article when the Big Brother doorbell rang. Yes, it was the return of Paul!!! And Pablo, too!
This is so much better than stupid Jeff. Paul is actually funny, and knows how to ad-lib. "Just found out you evicted an asshole", he shouted, "so they brought in a bigger asshole!" Everyone in the house was excited...except for Shelby who had no idea who he was.
Neeley in particular was thrilled. "You're looking sick, daddy." When he saw the box of condoms on the table, he asked who was boning. Danielle did not answer. He then got a tour of the house, and made a joke about how easy the have-nots have it this season as he could fit his entire family on one of those trampolines. He then pointed to his fifth tip on the board - "no showmances". Yes, we agree.
He was also asked who won his season, but before entering the house he had stated he wasn't going to reveal that piece of information. Jason later stated that because it was him coming in to host a comp so early in the season he must not have won.
The feeds then went down for fifteen minutes or so as the cast was brought out into the yard and given instructions from production. When they returned, we discovered the competition was called "Perfect Shot", and it was a modified (i.e. cheaper) version of last season's ball roll competition.
The big difference is that in this version not only is there only one rolling platform but they have to earn their rolls. Hundreds of balls were then rained on to the backyard, and some of them contain tokens. They could then exchange their tokens for balls. Due to her punishment in the golf comp, Alex had to wear "beer goggles" to blur her vision.
It takes some time for anybody to attempt some rolls, as they were pocketing the tokens as they found them. At one point, Neeley informed Paul that she's single, but she wasn't the only flirtatious one in the house. Later on, Morgan winked at him and said, "I like balls.". It wasn't until the twenty minute mark, Justin became the first to exchange some tickets. Shortly afterwards, everybody was doing the same.
Few people land anything close to the "bucket" at the end of the platform. Even those who make it all the way across tended to toss it too hard. Danielle, in particular, comes very close a number of times. Justin actually hit the little bucket but it bounced off the side.
The game then passed the 30 minute mark. If it was to go past one hour they were going to have some sort of different rules to follow. It was right around this time that Kryssie came to the table with ten balls, and in the most surprising moment of the season Kryssie nails it and is the new HOH!
This will create some good drama this week, but there's nothing I hate more than hypocrisy. Remember how upset Neeley got when she saw Shelby celebrating America's nominee? Now she was dancing around and singing "who's that bitch?" Remember Kryssie just an hour earlier decrying Scott using a backdoor to evict Shane? Well now she wants to backdoor Alex?
That's really about it for last night's activities, except for a weird moment when we find out that Kryssie's boyfriend had created a "hair bracelet" out of his own hair and some he gathered from her hairbrush. What???
It should be an interesting week. Like her or not, a power change is always good to rev up the feeds. Who do you want to see get voted the ACP, as Have-Nots, or America's nominee?
That was a bit anticlimactic. Well, the actual eviction was, but it got entertaining afterwards. But we'll get to that in a second.
First I need to update you on what happened at the POV meeting. Alex did not use her veto, but Justin took down Kryssie (as planned). Scott replaced her with Shane, just as they had planned all week.
Also, this is the first night that I've been a bit disappointed with the weekly recap "episode". It was edited like a typical summer CBS broadcast. There were a few fluff sequences, and Danielle was given a completely unrealistic sympathetic edit. We didn't see any evidence of the types of things that were annoying not just the "other" side, but her own alliance and the online viewers. Her becoming a Have-Not wasn't mentioned, nor her childish reaction. Getting America's Nomination did seem completely out of the blue, which was clearly not the case for those of us watching at home.
Just like in the past weeks, the moment the recap was finished we went right to the eviction. Neeley gave the first final plea, and simply said she can't possibly "campaign against my friends". Danielle said hi to her son, and then talked about how lucky she was to have met Shane.
Then it got a bit interesting. Lame Shane stood up and started babbling about how great his Late Night Jamboree pals were, and how they were a real family. If/when he's evicted he's not going to hug a single one of them. According to him, neither Alex or Scott have a chance to win the game since they've gone after him. Well, they probably won't win but it's not for that reason.
When he was finished, Scott actually made a funny. "Monte felt the same way."
Voting then began with Alex, who voted against Shane, as did Whitney. Kryssie and Justin then voted to evict Danielle, but this was countered by Morgan. Jason then voted against Danielle, but Shelby very happily went against Shane.
That makes the vote 4-3 in favor of Shane, but when Scott returned he announced it was a tie. Obviously, that means America voted to evict Danielle (see why that edit was silly?). Scott then had to break the tie, and as he started to explain what he was going to do Shane said "don't". "Danielle, you have never broken your word to me", Scott then said. "Shane, when you drank the blue potion, I knew you were either going to be my friend or my enemy. I vote to evict you."
Shane then kissed Danielle and said, "I'll wait for you" before hugging the rest of his alliance. He then took off to the great unknown. The girls then began crying. Well, at least the girls on his side. Kryssie was furious. "Scott is not a man", she later said when she was alone. He's a scared little boy."
Ok, I'm jumping the gun a little bit because Scott did ask Kryssie if she wanted a hug after Shane was gone. She declined as she is pissed at that speech. "He's a human being", she whined. Scott actually tried to smooth things over by reminding her that this is a game, and that afterwards she hopes that they will all be friends. Her response is that he'll see what it's like when he's on the block. She's particularly pissed that he was backdoored, which n Kryssie's world I guess isn't ok.
It's a bullshit scenario. Scott had a plan, and he and his alliance perfectly executed it. Even though she's bitching that Scott is not playing a good game, he's done a lot more so far than she has. And that is coming from something who DESPISES Scott.
The new HOH comp is starting any minute now, so you're bound to see another post soon. Join us online!!!