Paramount Plus Trial

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Night Owl - Eve of Finale

Well, this is it! This is my very last Big Brother 16 blog! I can't say I'm terribly sad about that.  This season has been a long one, and I am ready to go back to waiting for next year.

As things stand now, I cannot foresee a way that Derrick does not win Big Brother and Cody does not come in second, but that's just my opinion.  I'm sure you all know that Cody won the first part of the final HOH and Derrick won the second part, so now we just get to wait and see whether Cody will win the final HOH and take Derrick to F2 or Vice Versa.  I do not believe either of them will take Victoria.

CBS posted pictures of the jury round table discussion today, and I am probably the most excited about this segment as Doctor Will is the host again this year! So, we have that to look forward to.

This post really isn't to update too much information because there isn't a lot to report. I mostly just wanted to make one final post and say thank you SO much to all of you who have read along, commented, tweeted, and chatted with me throughout the season. You all rock and you keep me sane! I hope to see you all again for BB 17. So that's all I really wanted to say. Until next year...


  1. Nancy aka sunflower BBSeptember 23, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    Thanks Ash for all your blogs!! You're my favorite UPDATER and I am glad we are now friends on twitter!! I look forward to next year !!

  2. Great job this season! Perhaps it's time for you to enter the house in 2015?

  3. Thanks guys!!
    Walter, I think I shall stick to writing. I know what we say about these people when they are in the house. That alone will keep me from ever trying out. lol

  4. Ash your posts are great! see you next year!

  5. Thanks for all the info on season 16 Ash! You did a fabulous job & I appreciate all the time you spent keeping people like me (non-LFer) in-the-know!

  6. Ash, thanks so much for putting in the hours when things were happening in the house. I always enjoy your play by play and commentary. Hope we get a better bunch next year. Until til then...see you on twitter!

  7. Thanks again, everyone! Doing this is fun..difficult at times, but you guys reading it makes it worth it. =)

