Paramount Plus Trial

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Night Owl - Thursday Night

Well, compared to past weeks, today/tonight were actually kind of eventful in the Big Brother house! In my blog last night I mentioned that I was not sure what the jurors coming back into the house was going to mean for us.  We found out early today on the feeds.  After a "Time For A Luxury Comp" announcement was posted on the sign in the living room, around 11:36 all the HGs were locked in the HOH room to watch the screen and the jurors were all turned loose in the house and started sabotaging it.

The feeds then cut for the luxury comp.  After the feeds returned, the jurors were gone and the remaining HGs were VERY salty about what had happened to the house.  Apparently the luxury comp involved each juror playing for one of the people in the house (except Christine who did not get picked).  The jurors had to look for a chip in the house that represented 10k and then that juror would get $5k and the person they were playing for got $5k. Hayden won and he was playing for Victoria.  You would THINK that winning $5k would make Victoria at least momentarily happy, but ohh no.  She and Frankie bitched, whined, and complained for hours.  Victoria decided that because the jurors destroyed the house, they must be very very bitter, mean, and hateful.  It never seemed to occur to she, Frankie, or Caleb that they were SUPPOSED to come into the house and do that.  Apparently at some point during the comp, Jocasta poured out trash in the kitchen, some people's personal clothes were thrown around, and Christine stomped on something.  Victoria's name got scratched out in the bathroom, and I'm sure we all have a good idea who did that one.  She is very upset about it, but if I were her I wouldn't be so proud of myself next time I chopped up my own hat if I didn't want any repercussions.

Frankie was very very upset about the whole thing because in his mind the jurors have no business being able to come into "HIS" house and hurt him and the the people he loves by touching their things and taking money from them.  In his own words: "We are the beasts of the house! We have earned our way here and fought our dicks off to get them evicted and now they are taking our money that WE deserve!"  Rants like this went on until it was time for nominations.

Nominations happened and Caleb nominated Frankie and Victoria.  Frankie is the target, but he didn't know that at the time.  After the ceremony everyone was pretty ok about things except for Frankie moping around and telling Derrick and Cody that he was a little pissed at Caleb for not telling him he was going up after everything he has done for all of them.

Caleb and Frankie then played a game of pool together, and Caleb just cannot lie to save his life.  When confronted by Frankie on why he was nominated, instead of just telling him he is the pawn and leaving it at that like he is supposed to, he told him he was the pawn but ALSO got put up because he, Cody, and Derrick had talked and decided that Frankie might use the veto on Victoria if he was off the block, so they decided to put him up.  Frankie then went into self victimizing mode about all he has done for everyone and how he has done nothing but play with honesty and integrity blah blah blah...

Cody and Derrick eventually entered the tail end of the conversation once the damage had been done and Frankie had decided that he couldn't trust Cody or Derrick.  After exiting the conversation, Cody went into the storage room to rant to himself for a few minutes before going and trying to cover his ass with Frankie, and Derrick went and laid in the hammock mumbling to himself about how Caleb talks too much.

So now everyone is awkwardly studying the memory wall for the veto comp and hanging out together.  I think they are all (including Frankie) aware that Frankie is the target even though they are all pretending not to know.  I think Frankie is going to fight like crazy for that veto now that he knows he is really in danger.  It will be interesting to see if he pulls it off or if the pressure of actual danger causes him to actually lose this one.

I think the veto comp will likely be played tonight (Friday night) since the morph comp is almost always a night comp, and they will likely get the veto out of the way and then the ceremony on Sunday before the taping of the eviction on Monday.  So Frankie's possible eviction all comes down to whether or not he wins veto tonight. We shall see what happens.  As always you guys can follow me on twitter @ashes2ashes13 for more overnight feed updates.  Until tomorrow night...


  1. well we know Frankie going to win cause we know in BB the one u don't want to win always win.


  2. CBS is on the Grande train and if I were a betting person, the comp will be tailor made for Frankie to win.

  3. CBS doesn't want Frankie to lose the comp so they will adjust his veto time accordingly and make sure he go home quite yet. On the off chance that production doesn't ensure a W for Frankie, the eviction will not be live so that means Frankie will not be booed since there will not be a crowd.

  4. and now Frankie and Derrick are talking that the DR has offered to sweeten the winners pot by 50K if Team America makes it to final 2 together....

