Paramount Plus Trial

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Initial Nominees!!!

Part one of Scott's plan to evict either Shane or Danielle is now complete. The second safety ceremony just happened, the four saved were Morgan, Shane, Danielle, and Shelby.

The plan to evict included saving them? Yes, thanks to the double veto situation, the two targets were saved with these initial nominees. Instead, Neeley and Kryssie were nominated as pawns.

After practicing his speeches for most of the day, Scott told Neeley he has respect for her, and he wished her luck in the POV competition. For Kryssie, he said they were the two "mental giants" in the game, but they have "different approaches". Because she has issues with "certain group situations" he was nominating her.

Nobody is surprised by what just happened, but that probably won't stop Kryssie from whining all night long about it. (Almost immediately she blamed the nomination on yesterday's dirty
underwear incident.) Her constant babbling, along with Danielle bitching about slop and the other girls, will completely be in line with this entire season of complaining and shit-talking.

What are your thoughts on this? Who are you picking to be America's nominee? We're going with Danielle. We'll have plenty to say about all of this on tomorrow night's Big Brother Gossip Show!!!


  1. I'm voting Morgan. I want to decrease the odds that Shane and Danielle play in the veto. I want the shomance split up. If Danielle's otb and Shane's plays and wins veto, they are both safe. I'm trying ro put Morgan otb but I'll vote out Shane or Danielle. (Whoever Scott puts up)

  2. I'm voting Morgan. I want to decrease the odds that Shane and Danielle play in the veto. I want the shomance split up. If Danielle's otb and Shane's plays and wins veto, they are both safe. I'm trying ro put Morgan otb but I'll vote out Shane or Danielle. (Whoever Scott puts up)

  3. I was watching some flashbacks and I was able to see what Colette has been talking about with Danielle being a Debbie Downer. The girl could not shut up about her birthdays! Every one of her birthdays were gone through and she kept talking about how much they sucked and how no one came. People tried to interject and change the subject, but she just brought it back around to herself. In the same convo, she indicated that she plans to save her child support payments so she can go to the Bahamas for her 25th birthday. She sounds a bit dillusional.

  4. Tonight's show will include a segment on this.

